Talks and lectures
Harish-Chandra images of quantum Gelfand invariants
Algebra Seminar, Sydney, March 2024.
Quantum argument shift method for classical Lie algebras
Shenzhen International Center for Mathematics, November 2023.
Representations of the orthosymplectic Yangian
ISQS27, Prague, June 2023.
Affine center at the critical level and quantum Mishchenko-Fomenko subalgebras
Geometry, Groups, Operator Algebras and Integrability, Moscow, June-July 2022.
Yangians and their representations. Lecture course at SCUT, Guangzhou, January 2022.
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Manin matrices
Lectures at Seoul National University, February 2021.
Manin matrices, Casimir elements and Sugawara operators
AustMS Online Meeting, University of New England, December 2020.
Symmetrization map, Casimir elements and Sugawara operators
LieJor Online Seminar: Algebras, Representations, and Applications, University of Sao Paulo, October 2020.
New Connections in Integrable Systems,
University of Queensland, October 2020.
Center at the critical level for centralizers in type $A$
Conference on Lie and Jordan Algebras, Their Representations and Applications- IX, Chengdu, January 2020.
XXVIth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries,
Prague, Czech Republic, July 2019.
Quantum immanants, Bethe subalgebras and
Sugawara operators
New Frontiers in Representation Theory, international conference
dedicated to the 70th birthday of Grigori Olshanski,
Skolkovo, Russia, January 2019.
Higher order Hamiltonians for
the trigonometric Gaudin model
Workshop on Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems, Protvino, Russia, July 2018.
Equivalences between Yangian presentations
Retakh Fest, Angers, France, June 2018.
Shanghai University, December 2017.
Vinberg's problem for classical Lie algebras
Algebra Seminar, Sydney, March 2018.
Centers of vertex algebras
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, December 2017.
Generators of
affine W-algebras
Nilpotent Orbits and Representation Theory, Pisa, June 2016.
Casimir elements for classical Lie algebras
and affine Kac-Moody algebras
Workshop on Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems, Protvino, Russia, July 2015.
Invariants in enveloping algebras
and vacuum modules
University of Melbourne, October 2014.
Generators of classical W-algebras
Algebra Seminar, Sydney, May 2014.
Center at the critical level and commutative subalgebras
I Jornadas de Algebra no Amazonas, Itacoatiara, September 2013.
Feigin-Frenkel center and Yangian characters
Miwa-Kirillov Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, March 2013.
Feigin-Frenkel center for classical types
Twenty-five years of representation theory of quantum groups, BIRS Workshop, August 2011.
Workshop on Representation Theory, Guangzhou, China, July 2011.
Combinatorial bases for representations of
the Lie superalgebra gl(m|n)
Taipei Conference on Representation Theory,
December 2010.
The MacMahon Master Theorem and
higher Sugawara operators
RAQIS'10 Conference, Annecy, June 2010.
Casimir elements and Yangians
Mathematical Physics Seminar, Loughborough University,
April 2009.
Higher Sugawara operators and
the classical W-algebra for gl(n)
Workshop on Algebraic Lie Structures with Origins in Physics,
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge,
March 2009. Video.
Littlewood-Richardson polynomials
Colloquium, University of Geneva.
Seminar, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge,
March 2009.
Cauchy identity for double Schur functions
and its applications
Algebra Seminar, Sydney, May 2008.
Fusion procedure for the symmetric group
Geometry and Lie Theory, a conference marking Gus Lehrer's 60th birthday,
Sydney, July 2007.
Lecture 1: Casimirs
Advanced Summer School
on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries, Prague, June 2007.
Lecture 2: Yangian structure
Advanced Summer School
on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries, Prague, June 2007.
Lecture 3: Yangian representations
Advanced Summer School
on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries, Prague, June 2007.