


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Galloway DJ, Ivers DJ
David Galloway and David Ivers: Slow-burning instabilities of Dufort-Frankel finite differencing, Anziam Journal, 63 (2021), no. 1, 23–38.

2. Galloway DJ
Dave Galloway: ABC flows then and now, Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 106 (2012), no. 4--5, 450–467.

3. Galloway DJ
David Galloway: Nonlinear Dynamos, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union - Astrophysical Dynamics: From Stars to Galaxies, IAU Symposium 271, Nicholas H Brummel, A Sacha Brun, Mark S Miesch and Yannick Ponty (eds.), IAU Symposium Proceedings Series, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, (2011), 297–303. ISBN 1743-9213.

4. Cameron R, Galloway DJ
Robert Cameron, David Galloway: High field strength modified ABC and rotor dynamos, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 367 (2006), no. 3, 1163–1169.

5. Cameron R, Galloway DJ
Robert Cameron, David Galloway: Saturation properties of the Archontis dynamo, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 365 (2006), 735–746.

6. Cameron R, Galloway DJ
Robert Cameron, David Galloway: The structure of small-scale magnetic flux tubes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 358 (2005), no. 3, 883–891.

7. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Fast dynamos, Advances in nonlinear dynamos, The fluid mechanics of astrophysics and geophysics, Taylor & Francis, London, (2003), 37–59. ISBN 0-415-28788-x. MR2082451

8. Galloway DJ, Uchida Y, Weiss NO
Galloway DJ, Uchida Y and Weiss NO: Generation of coronal currents by the solar convection zone, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 18 (2001), 329–335.

9. Johnston S, Galloway DJ
Simon Johnston, David Galloway: Pulsar braking indices revisited, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 306 (1999), 50–54.

10. Ball L, Galloway DJ
Lewis Ball and David Galloway: Electron heating by the cross-shock electric potential, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 103 (1998), 17,455–17,466.

11. Zheligovsky VA, Galloway DJ
V.A. Zheligovsky and D.J. Galloway: Dynamo action in Christopherson hexagonal flow, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 88 (1998), 277–293. 2000a:85001

12. Hollerbach R, Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE
R Hollerbach, D J Galloway and M R E Proctor: On the adjustment to the Bondi-Gold theorem in a spherical-shell fast dynamo, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 87 (1998), no. 1--2, 111–132. 99c:76116

13. Galloway DJ
D. J. Galloway: Implications of Stellar Observations on Dynamo Theories, Proceedings, third AFCOP meeting ``Solar and Stellar Dynamos'', Solar and Stellar Dynamos, J.-F. Donati (ed.), Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France, (1996), 117–122.

14. Galloway DJ
D. J. Galloway: General Review of Dynamo Theory, Proceedings, third AFCOP meeting ``Solar and Stellar Dynamos'', Solar and Stellar Dynamos, J.-F. Donati (ed.), Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France, (1996), 15–25.

15. Galloway DJ, Jones CA
D.J. Galloway, C.A. Jones: Connecting a star's convection zone with its corona, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 12 (1995), 180–185.

16. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Implications of stellar observations on dynamo theories, Solar and Stellar Dynamos, Solar and Stellar Dynamos, J F Donati (ed.), 1, Observatoire Midi -- Pyrenees, Toulouse, (1995), 117–122.

17. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: General review of dynamo theory, 1, J F Donati (ed.), Observatoire Midi -- Pyrenees, Toulouse, (1995), 15–25.

18. Galloway DJ, Hollerbach R, Proctor MRE
Galloway DJ, Hollerbach R, Proctor MRE: Fine structures in fast dynamo computations, Small scale structures in three-dimensional hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, Small scale structures in three-dimensional hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, Maurice Meneguzzi, Annick Pouquet and Pierre-Louis Sulem (eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics 462, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1995), 341–346. ISBN 3-540-60486-3.

19. Hollerbach R, Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE
Hollerbach R, Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE: Numerical evidence of fast dynamo action in a spherical shell, Physical Review Letters, 74 (1995), 3145–3148.

20. Galloway DJ, Zheligovsky VA
Galloway DJ, Zheligovsky VA: On a class of non-axisymmetric flux rope solutions to the electromagnetic induction equation, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 76 (1994), 253–264.

21. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Review of ``Physics of Magnetic Flux Ropes, eds C.T. Russell, E.R. Priest, and L.C. Lee'', 68 (1993), 263–264.

22. Jones CA, Galloway DJ
Jones CA, Galloway DJ: Alpha-quenching in cylindrical magnetoconvection, Solar and Planetary Dynamos, Proctor MRE, Matthews PC, Rucklidge AM eds (eds.), Publications of the Newton Institute, Cambridge University Press, (1993), 161–170.

23. Galloway DJ, O'Brian NR
Galloway DJ, O'Brian NR: Numerical calculations of dynamos for ABC and related flows, Solar and Planetary Dynamos, MRE Proctor, PC Matthews and AM Rucklidge eds (eds.), Publications of the Newton Institute, Cambridge University Press, (1993), 105–113.

24. Jones CA, Galloway DJ
Jones CA, Galloway DJ: Axisymmetric magnetoconvection in a twisted field, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 253 (1993), 297–326. 94e:76099

25. Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE
Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE: Numerical calculations of fast dynamos in smooth velocity fields with realistic diffusion, Nature, 356 (1992), 691–693.

26. Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE
Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE: Numerical Calculations of Fast Dynamos, Theory of Sunspots, NATO Workshop, Cambridge, UK 22--27 September 1991, (1991),

27. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Eigenfunction Structure of the ABC kinematic Dynamos, 27th Applied Mathematics Conference of the Australian Mathematical Society, Hanmer Springs, Canterbury, New Zealand, 3--7 February, 1991, (1991),

28. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Dynamo action and stability of the ABC chaotic flows, Chaos in Australia, UNSW, (1990), MR1038611

29. Jones CA, Roberts PH, Galloway DJ
Jones CA, Roberts PH, Galloway DJ: Compressible convection in the presence of rotation and a magnetic field, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 53 (1990), 145–182.

30. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Kinematic dynamo action and stability of the ABC flows, Conference on Small-diffusivity dynamos and dynamical systems, Nice, France 1989, (1989),

31. Durrant CJ, Galloway DJ
Durrant CJ, Galloway DJ: The solar analogue, CSIRO stellar workshop, Sydney 1989, (1989),

32. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Pattern selection in the sun's convection zone, Astron. Soc. Aust. 22nd AGM Narrabri 1988, (1988),

33. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: The ABC flow and the kinematic dynamo, Conference on Turbulence and non-linear dynamics of MHD flows, Cargèse, Corsica 1988, (1988),

34. Galloway DJ, Jones CA
Galloway DJ, Jones CA: The Pattern of Large-Scale Convection in the Sun, Secular Solar and Geomagnetic Variations in the Last 10,000 Years, Stephenson FR, Wolfendale AW (eds.), Kluwer, (1988), 97–108.

35. Galloway DJ, Frisch U
Galloway DJ, Frisch U: Dynamo action and stability for the ABC flows, Non-linear dynamics of rotating magnetic systems conference UCLA 1987, (1987),

36. Galloway DJ, Jones CA
Galloway DJ, Jones CA: Magnetic fields, rotation and pattern selection in solar convection zone, Non-Linear dynamics of rotating magnetic systems conference UCLA 1987, (1987),

37. Galloway DJ, Frisch U
Galloway DJ, Frisch U: A note on the stability of a family of space-periodic Beltrami flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 180 (1987), 557–564.

38. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Numerical simulation of solar and stellar dynamos, COSPAR meeting Toulouse, France 1986, (1986),

39. Galloway DJ, Frisch U
Galloway DJ, Frisch U: Dynamo action in a family of flows with chaotic streamlines, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 36 (1986), 53–83. 87j:76104

40. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Numerical simulations of solar and stellar dynamos, Advances in Space Research, 6 (1986), 19–28.

41. Anzer U, Galloway DJ
Anzer U, Galloway DJ: Theoretical modelling of inhomogeneous fields in the chromosphere, Chromospheric diagnostics and modelling, Sacramento Peak Observatory Workshop, (1985), 199–205.

42. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Magnetoconvection, Trends in Physics, Janta J, Pantoflíček J (eds) (eds.), Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists, (1984), 123–128.

43. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Deux problèmes numériques de la MHD tridimensionelle, Comptes Rendus de l'École de Goutelas: Champs Magnétiques Stellaires (Observatoire de Nice), (1984), 325–337.

44. Galloway DJ, Frisch U
Galloway DJ, Frisch U: A numerical investigation of magnetic field generation in a flow with chaotic streamlines, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 29 (1984), 13–18. MR0748371

45. Harding AK, Meszaros P, Kirk JG, Galloway DJ
Harding AK, Meszaros P, Kirk JG, Galloway DJ: Self-consistent models for Coulomb-heated X-ray pulsar atmospheres, Astrophysical Journal, 278 (1984), 369–381.

46. Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE
Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE: The kinematics of hexagonal magnetoconvection, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 24 (1983), 109–136.

47. Anzer U, Galloway DJ
Anzer U, Galloway DJ: The magnetic field configuration in solar and stellar chromospheres, Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origin and Coronal Effects, Stenflo JO (ed.), Reidel, (1983), 339–344.

48. Anzer U, Galloway DJ
Anzer U, Galloway DJ: A model for the magnetic field above supergranules, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 203 (1983), 637–650.

49. Meszaros P, Harding AK, Kirk JG, Galloway DJ
Meszaros P, Harding AK, Kirk JG, Galloway DJ: Accreting pulsar magnetospheres heated by Coulomb deceleration of protons, Astrophysical Journal, 266 (1983), L33–L37.

50. Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE
Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE: Magnetic flux expulsion in hexagons, Stellar and Planetary Magnetism (Proceedings, Budapest 1980), Soward AM (ed.), Gordon and Breach, (1983), 99–111.

51. Arter W, Proctor MRE, Galloway DJ
Arter W, Proctor MRE, Galloway DJ: New results on the mechanism of magnetic flux pumping by three-dimensional convection, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 201 (1982), 57P–61P.

52. Kirk JG, Galloway DJ
Kirk JG, Galloway DJ: The evolution of a test particle distribution in a strongly magnetised plasma, Plasma Physics, 24 (1982), 339–359.

53. Hollweg JV, Jackson S, Galloway DJ
Hollweg JV, Jackson S, Galloway DJ: Alfvén waves in the solar atmosphere: 3. Nonlinear waves on open tubes, Solar Physics, 75 (1982), 35–61.

54. Kirk JG, Galloway DJ
Kirk JG, Galloway DJ: The stopping of fast protons in the accretion column of a neutron star, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 195 (1981), 45P–50P.

55. Galloway DJ, Weiss NO
Galloway DJ, Weiss NO: Convection and magnetic fields in stars, Astrophysical Journal, 243 (1981), 945–953.

56. Galloway DJ, Moore DR
Galloway DJ, Moore DR: Axisymmetric convection in the presence of a magnetic field, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 12 (1979), 73–106.

57. Proctor MRE, Galloway DJ
Proctor MRE, Galloway DJ: The dynamic effect of flux ropes on Rayleigh-Bénard covection, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 91 (1979), 273–287.

58. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Convection with a magnetic field or rotation: an analogy, Proceedings of the Workshop on Solar Rotation, Belvedere G, Paternò L (eds) (eds.), Catania Astrophysical Observatory, (1978), 352–357.

59. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: The origin of running penumbral waves, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 184 (1978), 49P–52P.

60. Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE, Weiss NO
Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE, Weiss NO: Magnetic flux ropes and convection, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 87 (1978), 243–261. 58:19828

61. Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE, Weiss NO
Galloway DJ, Proctor MRE, Weiss NO: Formation of intense magnetic fields near the surface of the Sun, Nature, 266 (1977), 686–689.

62. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Axisymmetric convection with a magnetic field, Problems of Stellar Convection, Zahn J-P, Spiegel EA eds (eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Physics, 71 (1977), 188–194.

63. Galloway DJ
Galloway DJ: Fine structure and Evershed motions in the sunspot penumbra, Solar Physics, 44 (1975), 409–415.

Number of matches: 63