


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Anzer U

1. Anzer U, Galloway DJ
Anzer U, Galloway DJ: Theoretical modelling of inhomogeneous fields in the chromosphere, Chromospheric diagnostics and modelling, Sacramento Peak Observatory Workshop, (1985), 199–205.

2. Anzer U, Galloway DJ
Anzer U, Galloway DJ: The magnetic field configuration in solar and stellar chromospheres, Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origin and Coronal Effects, Stenflo JO (ed.), Reidel, (1983), 339–344.

3. Anzer U, Galloway DJ
Anzer U, Galloway DJ: A model for the magnetic field above supergranules, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 203 (1983), 637–650.

Number of matches: 3