

Research Publications for 2024

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A4. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Poincaré Duality in Dimension 3. The Open Book Series, Silvio Levy (at MSP) (ed.), Mathematical Sciences Publishers, Berkeley, Ca 94720-3840, USA, 2024, ISBN 2329-9061, 2329-907X, xiv+176 pages.

Chapters in Books

B1. Gasiorek S and Radnović M
Sean Gasiorek, Milena Radnović: Periodic trajectories and topology of the integrable Boltzmann system, Recent Progress in Special Functions. Contemporary Mathematics, AMS, USA, 2024, ISBN 978-1-4704-7429-4, 111–130.

B1. Rubinstein JH, Spreer J and Tillmann S
J. Hyam Rubinstein, Jonathan Spreer, Stephan Tillmann: A New Family of Minimal Ideal Triangulations of Cusped Hyperbolic 3–manifolds, 2021-2022 MATRIX Annals. MATRIX Book Series, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2024, ISBN 9783031474170, 1–24.

Journal Articles

C1. Abelson D, Michiel JD, Frater C, Pearson M, Russo R, Wechselberger M, Cottee A and Morgan L
David Abelson, James Di Michiel, Clayton Frater, Mark Pearson, Robert Russo, Martin Wechselberger, Alice Cottee, Lucy Morgan: Mucus clears from the trachea in a helix: a new twist to understanding airway diseases. Thorax, 79 (2024), no.7, 607–614.

C1. Achar PN and Hardesty W
Pramod N Achar, William Hardesty: Silting complexes of coherent sheaves and the Humphreys conjecture. Duke Mathematical Journal, Open Access 173 (2024), no.12, 2397–2445.

C1. Achar PN and Hardesty W
Pramod N Achar, William Hardesty: Co-t-structures on derived categories of coherent sheaves and the cohomology of tilting modules. Representation Theory, 28 (2024), 49–89.

C1. Ahmed H, Sohail A, Celik F and Simsek S
Haroon Ahmed, Ayesha Sohail, Figen Celik and Sami Simsek: Negative binomial approach: A useful application for the study of Echinococcus granulosus. International Journal of Biomathematics, Online Ready (2024), Article 2450059.

C1. Ahmed IU and Myerscough MR
Ishraq U Ahmed, Mary R Myerscough: HDL and plaque regression in a multiphase model of early atherosclerosis. Mathematical Biosciences, 373 (2024), no.July 2024, 109208 (21 pages).

C1. Allen DE
David Edmund Allen: The correlation between Australian Excess Deaths by State and Booster Vaccinations. The European Society of Medicine, 12 (2024), no.7, 8 pages.

C1. Andersen C, Lustri CJ, McCue SW and Trinh PH
Cecilie Andersen, Christopher J Lustri, Scott W McCue and Philippe H Trinh: On the selection of Saffman-Taylor viscous fingers for divergent flow in a wedge. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 987 (2024), no.Open Access, A42 (31 pages).

C1. Armstrong B, Brownlowe N and Sims A
Becky Armstrong, Nathan Brownlowe and Aidan Sims: Simplicity of twisted C*-algebras of Deaconu–Renault groupoids. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 18 (2024), no.1 (Open Access), 265–312.

C1. Bar-Natan D and Dancso Z
Dror Bar-Natan, Zsuzsanna Dancso: Correction to: Finite type invariants of w-knotted objects II: tangles, foams and the Kashiwara–Vergne problem. Mathematische Annalen, 389 (2024), no.3, 3257–3259.

C1. Berahas AS, Roberts L and Roosta F
Albert S. Berahas, Lindon Roberts and Fred Roosta: Non-uniform smoothness for gradient descent. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 02 (2024), Article number 29 (20 pages).

C1. Bertram CD
C.D. Bertram: The lymphatic vascular system: does nonuniform lymphangion length limit flow-rate?. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 146 (2024), no.9, 091007 (11 pages).

C1. Bertram CD and Macaskill C
C.D. Bertram and C. Macaskill: Fluid-dynamic modeling of flow in embryonic tissue indicates that lymphatic valve location is not consistently determined by the local fluid shear or its gradient.. Microcirculation, 31 (2024), no.6, e12873 (13 pages).

C1. Besson M, Jeralds S and Kiers J
Marc Besson, Sam Jeralds and Joshua Kiers: Weight polytopes and saturation of Demazure characters. Mathematische Annalen, 388 (2024), 4449–4486.

C1. Bilgin AA and Lin H
Ayse Aysin Bilgin and Huan Lin: Comparison of Student Engagement in a Large First-Year Statistics Course between Flipped and Face-to-Face Instruction. Creative Education, 15 (2024), no.8, 1569–1592.

C1. Björklund M and Fish A
Michael Björklund and Alexander Fish: Simplices in large sets and directional expansion in ergodic actions. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 12 (2024), no.10 December 2024, Article e121 (20 pages).

C1. Bradshaw-Hajek BH, Lizarraga I, Marangell R and Wechselberger M
Bronwyn H Bradshaw-Hajek, Ian Lizarraga, Robert Marangell and Martin Wechselberger: A geometric singular perturbation analysis of shock selection rules in composite regularized reaction-nonlinear diffusion models. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 23 (2024), no.3, 2099–2137.

C1. Bradshaw-Hajek BH, Lizarraga I, Marangell R and Wechselberger M
Bronwyn H. Bradshaw-Hajek, Ian Lizarraga, Robert Marangell, Martin Wechselberger: A Geometric Singular Perturbation Analysis of Shock Selection Rules in Composite Regularized Reaction-Nonlinear Diffusion Models. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 23 (2024), no.3, 2099–2137.

C1. Brandolini B and Cîrstea FC
Barbara Brandolini and Florica C. Cîrstea: Boundedness of solutions to singular anisotropic elliptic equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 17 (2024), no.4, 1545–1561.

C1. Bronski JC, Hur VM and Marangell R
Jared C Bronski, Vera Mikyoung Hur and Robert Marangell: Floquet theory and stability analysis for Hamiltonian PDEs. Nonlinearity, 37 (2024), no.12, 125010 (42 pages).

C1. Brownlowe N, Buss A, Gonçalves D, Hume JH, Sims A and Whittaker MF
Nathan Brownlowe, Alcides Buss, Daniel Gonçalves, Jeremy H Hume, Aidan Sims, Michael F Whittaker: \(KK\)-duality for self-similar groupoid actions on graphs. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 377 (2024), no.8, 5513–5560.

C1. Brzezniak Z, Goldys B and Li L
Zdzisław Brzezniak, Ben Goldys, Liang Li: 3D stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations coupled with Maxwell’s equations with full energy. Journal of Differential Equations, 390 (2024), 58–124.

C1. Bui TA and Ly FK
The Anh Bui, Fu Ken Ly: Calderón–Zygmund Operators on Local Hardy Spaces. Potential Analysis, 60 (2024), no.1, 533–551.

C1. Burton BA, Chang HC, Löffler M, de Mesmay A, Maria C, Schleimer S, Sedgwick E and Spreer J
Benjamin A. Burton, Hsien-Chih Chang, Maarten Löffler, Arnaud de Mesmay, Clément Maria, Saul Schleimer, Eric Sedgwick, Jonathan Spreer: Hard Diagrams of the Unknot. Experimental Mathematics, 33 (2024), no.3, 482–500.

C1. Chambers KL, Myerscough MR, Watson MG and Byrne HM
Keith L Chambers, Mary R Myerscough, Michael G Watson, Helen M Byrne: Blood Lipoproteins Shape the Phenotype and Lipid Content of Early Atherosclerotic Lesion Macrophages: A Dual-Structured Mathematical Model. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86 (2024), no.9, 44 pages.

C1. Chambers KL, Watson MG and Myerscough MR
Keith L Chambers, Michael G Watson & Mary R Myerscough: A Lipid-Structured Model of Atherosclerosis with Macrophage Proliferation. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86 (2024), no.104, 1–29.

C1. Chen C, Kim HJ and Yang P
Carissa Chen, Hani Jieun Kim and Pengyi Yang: Evaluating spatially variable gene detection methods for spatial transcriptomics data. Genome Biology, 25 (2024), no.Open Access, Article 18 (21 pages).

C1. Chen H and Veron L
Huyuan Chen and Laurent Veron: The Cauchy problem associated to the logarithmic Laplacian with an application to the fundamental solution. Journal of Functional Analysis, 287 (2024), no.3, Article number 110470 (72 pages).

C1. Chen L and Lanier J
Lei Chen, Justin Lanier: Constraining mapping class group homomorphisms using finite subgroups. Geometriae Dedicata, 218 (2024), no.5, 17 pages.

C1. Chen L, Fernando H, Ying Y and Chen T
Lisha Chen, Heshan Fernando, Yiming Ying, Tianyi Chen: Three-way trade-off in multi-objective learning: optimization, generalization and conflict-avoidance. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 25 (2024), Paper No. 193 (53 pages).

C1. Chen Q and Stewart M
Qikun Chen, Michael Stewart: Optimal detection of sparse gamma scale admixture with twice the null mean. Statistics and Probability Letters, 209 (2024), Article 110083 (6 pages).

C1. Coulembier K and Etingof P
Kevin Coulembier and Pavel Etingof: \(N\)-spherical Functors and Tensor Categories. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024 (2024), no.14, 10615–10649.

C1. Coulembier K, Etingof P and Ostrik V
Kevin Coulembier, Pavel Etingof and Victor Ostrik: Asymptotic properties of tensor powers in symmetric tensor categories. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 20 (2024), no.3, 1141–1179.

C1. Coulembier K, Ostrik V and Tubbenhauer D
Kevin Coulembier, Victor Ostrik, Daniel Tubbenhauer: Growth rates of the number of indecomposable summands in tensor powers. Algebras and Representation Theory, 2 (2024), 1033––1062.

C1. Cui T, De Sterck H, Gilbert AD, Polishchuk S and Scheichl R
Tiangang Cui, Hans De Sterck, Alexander D Gilbert, Stanislav Polishchuk, Robert Scheichl: Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Stochastic Convection–Diffusion Eigenvalue Problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, 99 (2024), Article 77 (34 pages).

C1. Cui T, Detommaso G and Scheich R
Tiangang Cui, Gianluca Detommaso and Robert Scheich: Multilevel dimension-independent likelihood-informed MCMC for large-scale inverse problems. Inverse Problems, 40 (2024), no.3, 035005 (33 pages).

C1. Cui T, Dolgov S and Scheichl R
Tiangang Cui, Sergey Dolgov and Robert Scheichl: Deep Importance Sampling Using Tensor Trains with Application to a Priori and a Posteriori Rare Events. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 46 (2024), no.1, C1–C29.

C1. d'Antonio D, Bell ME, Brown JJ and Grazian C
D. d'Antonio, M. E. Bell, J. J. Brown, C. Grazian: State Space Modelling for detecting and characterising gravitational waves afterglows. Astronomy and Computing, 48 (2024), 100860 (15 pages).

C1. Dakic A, Wu JQ, Wang T, Huynh K, Mellett N, Duong T, Beyene HB, Magliano DJ, Shaw JE, Carrington MJ, Inouye M, Yang YH, Figtree GA, Curran JE, Blangero J, Simes J and Meikle CGPJ
Aleksandar Dakic, Jingqin Wu, Tingting Wang , Kevin Huynh, Natalie Mellett, Thy Duong, Habtamu B Beyene, Dianna J Magliano, Jonathan E Shaw, Melinda J Carrington, Michael Inouye, Jean Y Yang, Gemma A Figtree, Joanne E Curran, John Blangero, John Simes , Corey Giles & Peter J Meikle: Imputation of plasma lipid species to facilitate integration of lipidomic datasets. Nature Communications, 15 (2024), no.1, Article 1540 (14 pages).

C1. Dancso Z, McBreen M and Shende V
Zsuzsanna Dancso, Michael McBreen, Vivek Shende: Deletion-contraction triangles for Hausel–Proudfoot varieties. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 26 (2024), no.7, 2565–2653.

C1. Dobrovolska G, Nandakumar V and Yang D
Galyna Dobrovolska, Vinoth Nandakumar, David Yang: Modular representations in type A with a two-row nilpotent central character. Journal of Algebra, 643 (2024), 311–339.

C1. Dragović V and Radnović M
Vladimir Dragović, Milena Radnović: Isoperiodic families of Poncelet polygons inscribed in a circle and circumscribed about conics from a confocal pencil. Geometriae Dedicata, 218 (2024), no.Article 81, 23 pages.

C1. Duck PW and Stephen SO
Peter W. Duck and Sharon O. Stephen: Three-dimensional eigensolutions of the unsteady compressible boundary-region equations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 997 (2024), A4.

C1. Dullin HR and Marangell R
Holger R Dullin, Robert Marangell: An Evans function for the linearised 2D Euler equations using Hill’s determinant. Physica D, 457 (2024), no.January 2024, Article number 133954 (14 pages).

C1. Ehrhardt MJ and Roberts L
Matthias J. Ehrhardt, Lindon Roberts: Analyzing inexact hypergradients for bilevel learning. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 89 (2024), no.1, 254–278.

C1. Engel M and Gottwald GA
Maximilian Engel and Georg A. Gottwald: Canards in modified equations for Euler discretizations. Contemporary Mathematics, 806 (2024), 15–28.

C1. Entova-Aizenbud I, Serganova V and Sherman A
Inna Entova-Aizenbud, Vera Serganova, Alexander Sherman: It takes two spectral sequences. Journal of Algebra, 655 (2024), 333–375.

C1. Entwistle HN, Lustri CJ and Sofronov GY
Hugh N Entwistle, Christopher J Lustri and Georgy Yu Sofronov: Asymptotic Duration for Optimal Multiple Stopping Problems. Mathematics, 12 (2024), no.5, Article no. 652.

C1. Evseev A and Mathas A
Anton Evseev and Andrew Mathas: Content systems and deformations of cyclotomic KLR algebras of type A and C. Annals of Representation Theory, 1 (2024), no.2, 193–297.

C1. Fan X, Yue Y, Sarkar P and Wang RYX
Xinjie Fan, Yuguang Yue, Purnamrita Sarkar, Y X Rachel Wang: A unified framework for tuning hyperparameters in clustering problems. Statistics Sinica, 34 (2024), no.2, 933–954.

C1. Fang Q, Shi L, Xu M and Zhou DX
Qin Fang , Lei Shi, Min Xu and Ding-Xuan Zhou: Efficient kernel canonical correlation analysis using Nyström approximation. Inverse Problems, 40 (2024), no.4, Article 045007 (26 pages).

C1. Feng R, Götze F and Yao D
Renjie Feng, Friedrich Götze and Dong Yao: Smallest distance between zeros of Gaussian random processes. Journal of Functional Analysis, 287 (2024), no.4, 110493 (14 pages).

C1. Fish A, Jiang L and Shkredov ID
Alexander Fish, Leo Jiang and Ilya D Shkredov: Direct and inverse results for popular differences in trees of positive dimension. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 44 (2024), no.2, 481–508.

C1. Freestone J, Noble WS and Keich U
Jack Freestone, William Stafford Noble, Uri Keich: Reinvestigating the Correctness of Decoy-Based False Discovery Rate Control in Proteomics Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Proteome Research, 23 (2024), no.6, 1907–1914.

C1. Fu X, Lin Y, Lin DM, Mechtersheimer D, Wang C, Ameen F, Ghazanfar S, Patrick E and Yang YH
Xiaohang Fu, Yingxin Lin, David M. Lin, Daniel Mechtersheimer, Chuhan Wang, Farhan Ameen, Shila Ghazanfar, Ellis Patrick, Jinman Kim & Jean Y. H. Yang: BIDCell: Biologically-informed self-supervised learning for segmentation of subcellular spatial transcriptomics data. Nature Communications, 15 (2024), Article 509 (17 pages).

C1. Fung T and Seneta E
Thomas Fung and Eugene Seneta: A theorem on the asymptotics of skew-normal type integrals. Statistics and Probability Letters, 209 (2024), Article no. 110080 (7 pages).

C1. Gadhi AHA, Peiris MS and Allen DE
Adel Hassan A Gadhi, Shelton Peiris and David E Allen: Improving Volatility Forecasting: A Study through Hybrid Deep Learning Methods with WGAN. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17 (2024), Article 38 (20 Pages).

C1. Ghazanfar S
Shila Ghazanfar: Single-cell expression profiling has its roots in in situ techniques. Nature Reviews. Genetics, 828 (2024), no.December 2024, 825–828.

C1. Ghazanfar S, Guibentif C and Marioni JC
Shila Ghazanfar, Carolina Guibentif & John C Marion: Stabilized mosaic single-cell data integration using unshared features. Nature Biotechnology, 42 (2024), no.2, 284–292.

C1. Goldys B, Jiao C and Kim KN
Beniamin Goldys, Chunxi Jiao and Kim Ngan Le: Existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions to the stochastic Landau–Lifshitz–Slonczewski equation. Journal of Evolution Equations, 24 (2024), no.4, 24–79.

C1. Goldys B, Nendel M and Röckner M
Ben Goldys, Max Nendel, Michael Röckner: Operator semigroups in the mixed topology and the infinitesimal description of Markov processes✩. Journal of Differential Equations, 412 (2024), 23–86.

C1. Goldys B and Peszat S
Beniamin Goldys and Szymon Peszat: On linear stochastic flows. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 377 (2024), no.2, 753–774.

C1. Gottwald GA and Melbourne I
Georg A. Gottwald and Ian Melbourne: Time-reversibility and nonvanishing Lévy area. Nonlinearity, 37 (2024), no.7, 075018.

C1. Hanevy N, Trevelyan PMJ, Stephen SO and Griffiths PT
N. Hanevy, P. M. J. Trevelyan, S. O. Stephen and P. T. Griffiths: Stability of the flow due to a heated stretching sheet. Physics of Fluids, 36 (2024), no.2, Article number 124135 (12 pages).

C1. Hillman JA
Jonathan A. Hillman: Elementary amenable groups of cohomological dimension 3. Journal of Group Theory, 27 (2024), 1–11.

C1. Hunt RL, Peiris MS and Weber NC
Richard Hunt, Shelton Peiris and Neville Weber: Seasonal generalized AR models. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 53 (2024), no.3, 1065–1080. Published online on 21 July 2022.

C1. Jaco W, Rubinstein JH, Spreer J and Tillmann S
William Jaco, Joachim Hyam Rubinstein, Jonathan Spreer, Stephan Tillmann: Slope norm and an algorithm to compute the crosscap number. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 24 (2024), no.8, 4307–4351.

C1. Janbandhu V, Tallapragada V, Li JV, Shewale B, Ghazanfar S, Patrick R, Cox CD and Harvey RP
Vaibhao Janbandhu, Vikram Tallapragada, Jinyuan Vero Li, Bharti Shewale, Shila Ghazanfar, Ralph Patrick, Charles D Cox , Richard P Harvey: Novel Mouse Model for Selective Tagging, Purification, and Manipulation of Cardiac Myofibroblasts. Circulation, 149 (2024), no.24, 1931–1934.

C1. Jiang N, Tu Z, Pei K, Wen J, Zan H, Zhao J, Liu X, Gu W and Qiu S
Nan Jiang, Ziang Tu, Kanglu Pei, Jie Wen, Hualin Zan, Jiahui Zhao, Ximeng Liu, Weihao Gu, Sen Qiu: RTrust: toward robust trust evaluation framework for fake news detection in online social networks. World Wide Web, 27 (2024), no.6, Article 76 (22 pages).

C1. Jin C and Wang Q
Chunlei Jin and Qiying Wang: Weighted nonlinear regression with nonstationary time series. Statistica Sinica, 34 (2024), no.3, 1765–1800.

C1. Jing N, Liu M and Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu, Alexander Molev: Quantum Sugawara operators in type A. Advances in Mathematics, 454 (2024), 109907 (26 pages).

C1. Jing N, Liu M and Molev AI
Naihuan Jing, Ming Liu and Alexander Molev: Eigenvalues of quantum Gelfand invariants. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 65 (2024), Article number 061703 (10 pages).

C1. Kamnitzer J, Webster B, Weekes A and Yacobi O
Joel Kamnitzer, Ben Webster, Alex Weekes and Oded Yacobi: Lie algebra actions on module categories for truncated shifted yangians. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 12 (2024), Article 18 (69 pages).

C1. Khovanov M, Sitaraman M and Tubbenhauer D
Mikhail Khovanov, Maithreya Sitaraman, Daniel Tubbenhauer: Monoidal categories, representation gap and cryptography. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 11 (2024), no.10, 329–395.

C1. Kinley RD, Roque BM, Mackenzie SL, Fortes MRS, Palmieri C, Tarr G, Cuthbertson H, Polkinghorne RJ and Cowley FC
Robert D Kinley, Breanna M Roque, Sigrid L Mackenzie, Marina RS Fortes, Chiara Palmieri, Garth Tarr, Holly Cuthbertson, Rodney Polkinghorne, Frances C Cowley: Productivity of Commercial Feedlot Beef Production Significantly Improved by Asparagopsis Bioactives Stabilized in Canola Oil. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 15 (2024), no.10, 899–929.

C1. Koike S and Paunescu L
Satoshi Koike and Laurentiu Paunescu: The Lipschitz type of the geometric directional bundle. European Journal of Mathematics, 10 (2024), no.30, 17 pages.

C1. Lacabanne A, Tubbenhauer D and Vaz P
Abel Lacabanne, Daniel Tubbenhauer, Pedro Vaz: A formula to evaluate type A webs and link polynomials. Arkiv för Matematik, 62 (2024), no.1, 83–101.

C1. Laga J, Shnidman A, Schembri C and Voight J
Jef Laga, Ari Shnidman, Ciaran Schembri and John Voight: Rational torsion points on abelian surfaces with quaternionic multiplication. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 12 (2024), e92 (33 pages).

C1. Lanier J and Vlamis NG
Justin Lanier, Nicholas G Vlamis: Homeomorphism groups of 2-manifolds with the virtual Rokhlin property. Journal of Topology, 17 (2024), no.3, e12354.

C1. Lees J, Hardcastle N, Johnston J, Wong R, Cuthbertson H, Tarr G, Garmyn A, Miller M, Polkinghorne RJ and McGilchrist P
Jarrod Lees, Nicholas Hardcastle, Justin Johnston, Rohen Wong, Holly Cuthbertson, Garth Tarr, Andrea Garmyn, Markus Miller, Rod Polkinghorne and Peter McGilchrist: Australian and United States Consumer Acceptance of Beef Brisket Cooked Using the Low and Slow Barbeque Method. Foods, 13 (2024), no.19, 13 pages.

C1. Lehrer GI and Zhang Y
Gus Lehrer and Yang Zhang: Milnor fibre homology complexes. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 20 (2024), no.3, 1371–1431.

C1. Li J, Feng H and Zhou DX
Jianfei Li, Han Feng, Ding-Xuan Zhou: SignReLU neural network and its approximation ability. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 440 (2024), no.April 2024, Article number 115551 (23 pages).

C1. Li L, Liu R and Rutkowski M
Libo Li, Ruyi Liu, Marek Rutkowski: Penalization schemes for BSDEs and reflected BSDEs with generalized driver. Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk, 9 (2024), no.3, 301–338.

C1. Lin SB, Wang D and Zhou DX
Shao-Bo Lin, Di Wang and Ding-Xuan Zhou: Sketching with Spherical Designs for Noisy Data Fitting on Spheres. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 46 (2024), no.1, A313–A337.

C1. Lin Y, Wu TY, Chen X, Wan S, Chao B, Xin J, Yang YH, Wong WH and Wang RYX
Yingxin Lin, Tung-Yu Wu, Xi Chen, Sheng Wan, Brian Chao, Jingxue Xin, Jean Y H Yang, Wing H Wong and Y X Rachel Wang: Data integration and inference of gene regulation using single-cell temporal multimodal data with scTIE. Genome Research, 34 (2024), no.1, 119–133.

C1. Liu Y, Mao T and Zhou DX
Yuqing Liu, Tong Mao, Ding-Xuan Zhou: Approximation of functions from Korobov spaces by shallow neural networks. Information Sciences, 670 (2024), 120573 (13 pages).

C1. Lizarraga I and Marangell R
Ian Lizarraga and Robert Marangell: Nonlinear stability of shock-fronted travelling waves in reaction-nonlinear diffusion equations. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 460 (2024), 134069 (16 pages).

C1. Ly FK
Fu Ken Ly: On the L2 boundedness of pseudo-multipliers for Hermite expansions. Journal of Functional Analysis, 286 (2024), no.2021, Article 110220 (27 pages).

C1. Ly FK
Fu Ken Ly: Weighted Estimates for Hermite pseudo-multipliers with rough symbols. Journal of Approximation Theory, 300 (2024), 106043 (9 pages).

C1. Marseglia S, Smit H and Voight J
Stefano Marseglia, Harry Smit, John Voight: Ideal classes of orders in quaternion algebras (Appendix A: Computing invertible ideals). Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 228 (2024), no.7, 107649.

C1. Mashiku LR, Ndenda JP, Maghembe R and Shaw S
Lazaro Revocatus Mashiku, Joseph Protas Ndenda, Reuben Maghembe, Sachin Shaw: Impact of drug dispersion on tumor-effector dynamics during combined chemo-immunotherapy with sensitivity analysis. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 134 (2024), 148–174.

C1. Mathas A and Tubbenhauer D
Andrew Mathas, Daniel Tubbenhauer: Cellularity and subdivision of KLR and weighted KLRW algebras. Mathematische Annalen, 389 (2024), no.3, 3043–3122.

C1. Milićević E, Naqvi Y, Schwer P and Thomas A
Elizabeth Milićević and Yusra Naqvi and Petra Schwer and Anne Thomas: A Gallery Model for Affine Flag Varieties via Chimney Retractions. Transformation Groups, 29 (2024), 773–821.

C1. Miller T, Tam AKY, Marangell R, Wechselberger M and Bradshaw-Hajek BH
Thomas Miller, Alexander K Y Tam, Robert Marangell, Martin Wechselberger, Bronwyn H Bradshaw-Hajek: Analytic shock-fronted solutions to a reaction-diffusion equation with negative diffusivity. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 153 (2024), no.1, Paper No. e12685 (23 pages).

C1. Moka S, Liquet B, Zhu H and Muller S
Sarat Moka, Benoit Liquet, Houying Zhu, Samuel Muller: COMBSS: best subset selection via continuous optimization. Statistics and Computing, 34 (2024), no.2, 34–75.

C1. Molev AI
A. I. Molev: A Drinfeld-type presentation of the orthosymplectic Yangians. Algebras and Representation Theory, 27 (2024), 469–494.

C1. Molev AI and Ragoucy E
Alexander Molev and Eric Ragoucy: Gaussian generators for the Yangian associated with the Lie superalgebra osp(1|2m). Journal of Algebra, 655 (2024), 722–757.

C1. Molev AI and Ragoucy E
A. Molev and E. Ragoucy: Representations of the super-Yangian of type \(B(n,m)\). Journal of Algebra, 659 (2024), 1–22.

C1. Nghiem LH, Hui FKC, Muller S and Welsh AH
Linh H Nghiem, Francis K C Hui, Samuel Muller, A H Welsh: Likelihood-based surrogate dimension reduction. Statistics and Computing, 34 (2024), no.1, Article number 51 (15 pages).

C1. Ormerod JT, Stewart M, Yu W and Romanes SE
J T Ormerod, M Stewart, W Yu and S E Romanes: Bayesian hypothesis tests with diffuse priors: Can we have our cake and eat it too?. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 66 (2024), no.2, 204–227.

C1. Parusiński A and Paunescu L
Adam Parusiński and Laurenţiu Păunescu: Zariski’s dimensionality type of singularities. Case of dimensionality type 2. Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 33 (2024), no.1, 117–142.

C1. Patrick R, Janbandhu V, Tallapragada V, Tan SSM, McKinna EE, Contreras O, Ghazanfar S, Humphreys DT, Murray NJ and Harvey RP
Ralph Patrick, Vaibhao Janbandhu, Vikram Tallapragada, Shannon S M Tan, Emily E McKinna, Osvaldo Contreras, Shila Ghazanfar, David T Humphreys, Nicholas J Murray and Richard P Harvey: Integration mapping of cardiac fibroblast single-cell transcriptomes elucidates cellular principles of fibrosis in diverse pathologies. Science Advances, 10 (2024), no.25, eadk8501 (27 pages).

C1. Pople J, Warren D and Agarwal R
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Conference Proceedings

E1. Assaf E, Babei A, Breen B, Costa E, Duque-Rosero J, Horawa A, Kieffer J, Kulkarni A, Molnar G, Schiavone S and Voight J
Eran Assaf, Angelica Babei, Ben Breen, Edgar Costa, Juanita Duque-Rosero, Aleksander Horawa, Jean Kieffer, Avinash Kulkarni, Grant Molnar, Sam Schiavone and John Voight (2024). A database of basic numerical invariants of Hilbert modular surfaces. LuCaNT: LMFDB, computation, and number theory, LuCaNT: LMFDB, computation, and number theory, John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland and John Voight (ed.) , Contemp. Math., 796, American Mathematical Society, ISBN 978-1-4704-7260-3, 285–312. MR4732692

E1. Assaf E, Ladd W, Rama G, Tornaría G and Voight J
Eran Assaf, Watson Ladd, Gustavo Rama, Gonzalo Tornaría and John Voight (2024). A database of paramodular forms from quinary orthogonal modular forms. LuCaNT: LMFDB, computation, and number theory, LuCaNT: LMFDB, computation, and number theory, John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland and John Voight (ed.) , Contemp. Math., 796, American Mathematical Society, ISBN 978-1-4704-7260-3, 243–259. MR4732690

E1. Ma Y, Chen Y, Liao X, Liu B, Liu R and Li Z
Ying Ma, Yu Chen, Xiaozhong Liao, Bin Liu, Ruyi Liu and Zhen Li (2024). Two-Stage Robust Optimization Method for Joint System Considering Uncertainty of Electric Vehicles. 8th International Conference on Power Energy Systems and Applications, ICoPESA 2024Hong, 8th International Conference on Power Energy Systems and Applications, — (ed.) , IEEE Conference Proceedings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., ISBN 979-835035166-8, 147–153.

E1. Warren D
Di Warren (2024). Disrupting the past paper pandemic – developing new question banks. Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME), Proceedings of The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (2023), Tina Botwright Acuña (ed.) , ACSME, Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS), ISBN 2653-0481, 74.

E1. Yang M, Wei X, Yang T and Ying Y
Ming Yang, Xiyuan Wei, Tianbao Yang, Yiming Ying (2024). Stability and Generalization of Stochastic Compositional Gradient Descent Algorithms. The Forty-First International Conference on Machine Learning, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Neil Lawrence (ed.) , PMLR, ISBN 2640-3498, 56542–56593.