invited lecture series

Character varieties, A-polynomials and Knots, Australian National University, Australia (June 2021)
Character varieties, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan (March 2019)
Triangulations and combinatorial differential geometry, MSC Tsinghua University, China (July 2014)
Real projective manifolds, MSC Tsinghua University, China (July 2012)
Geometry & Groups, AMSI Summer School, University of New South Wales (January 2012)
Varieties associated to 3-manifolds, Melbourne Summer School, The University of Melbourne (January 2001)

conference, colloquium and seminar talks

I stopped updating this list in 2023...


Algebra, Geometry and Physics Seminar, Max Planck Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany, 13 December 2022
Title: On the topology of character varieties of once-punctured torus bundles
Low-dimensional Topology Seminar, Max Planck Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany, 17 November 2022
Title: Volume of representations
Geometry and Topology Seminar, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France, 27 October 2022
Title: On the topology of character varieties of once-punctured torus bundles
Structures on Surfaces, CIRM, Luminy, France, 5 May 2022
Title: The things one finds in Fock-Goncharov coordinates (recording)
Virtual Geometric Structures Seminar, IISER Mohali, India, 18 February 2022 (online)
Title: What is the Thurston norm?
Mathematics Colloquium, IISER Mohali, India, 18 February 2022 (online)
Title: Moduli spaces of projective structures on manifolds


SMRI Seminar, The University of Sydney, Australia, 20 May 2021 (hybrid)
Title: A cell-decomopsition of decorated moduli space of punctured surfaces
Geometric Methods for Analyzing Discrete Shapes, Center of Mathematics Sciences and Applications (CMSA) at Harvard University, 7-9 May 2021 (online)
Title: Canonical cell decompositions for punctured real projective surfaces
Topology Seminar, UCSB, USA, 28 April 2021 (online)
Title: A cell-decomopsition of decorated moduli space of punctured surfaces
Topics at the Interface of Low Dimensional Group Actions and Geometric Structures, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 11-15 January 2021 (online)
Title: The space of properly convex projective structures


Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Armidale, Australia, 9 December 2020 (online)
Title: The space of properly convex projective structures
Topology Seminar, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 4 March 2020.
Title: A cell-decomopsition of decorated moduli space of punctured surfaces


Hyper-JARCS, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2-6 December 2019.
Title: A cell-decomopsition of decorated moduli space of punctured surfaces
Seminar Diskrete Geometrie, TU Berlin, 3 July 2019
Title: Minimal triangulations of cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Colloquium, University of Queensland, 13 March 2019
Title: Three angles on tropical geometry


Classical and Quantum 3-Manifold Topology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 17-21 December 2018.
Title: The things one finds in Fock-Goncharov coordinates
Seminar Diskrete Geometrie, TU Berlin, 18 July 2018
Title: What is the Thurston norm?
Growth in Topology and Number Theory, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, 9-13 July 2018.
Title: Thurston norm via spun-normal surfaces
Geometry and Topology of 3-manifolds, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, 25-28 May 2018.
Title: Structure of minimal triangulations
Pure Mathematics Seminar, University of Melbourne, 18 May 2018
Title: Three angles on tropical geometry
Colloquium, University of Technology Sydney, 2 May 2018
Title: Complexity of 3–manifolds
Colloquium, University of Adelaide, 23 March 2018
Title: Complexity of 3–manifolds
Differential Geometry Seminar, University of Adelaide, 23 March 2018
Title: Computing trisections of 4–manifolds


SFB Colloquium, Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics, TU Berlin, 21 November 2017
Title: Complexity of 3-manifolds
DGD Days 2017, Keynote speaker, Akademiezentrum Raitenhaslach, Burghausen, Germany, 4-6 October 2017.
Title: Computing trisections of 4–manifolds
Discrete Geometry Seminar, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 21 September 2017.
Title: Computing trisections of 4–manifolds
Séminaire Géométrie, Dynamique et Topologie, Université d'Aix-Marseille I, France, 4 September 2017.
Title: Computing trisections of 4–manifolds
6th Minisymposium on Computational Topology, Keynote speaker, University of Queensland, Australia, 4-7 July 2017.
Title: Computing trisections of 4–manifolds
SFB Higher Invariants Seminar, Universität Regensburg, Germany, 13 January 2017.
Title: Moduli spaces of projective structures on manifolds
Colloquium of the RTG Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, 10 January 2017.
Title: Moduli spaces of projective structures on manifolds


Low-Dimensional Topology and Quantum Algebra, ANU, Australia, 31 October and 1 November 2016.
Title 1: Why be happy when you could be normal?
Title 2: Multisections of manifolds
Geometry & Topology Seminar, University of Sydney, Australia, 5 October 2016
Title: Multisections of Manifolds
Geometric Topology and Dynamics, First Joint Meeting Brazil-Italy in Mathematics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 31 August 2016.
Title: Tessellating moduli spaces of strictly convex projective structures
Algebra/Geometry/Topology Seminar, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 24 June 2016.
Title: Deformations and limits of properly convex projective manifolds
Topology Seminar, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 23 June 2016.
Title: On a marked polytope for 2-generator 1-relator groups
Hyperbolic geometry and related topics, KIAS, Korea, 18 and 20 April 2016.
Title: Multisections of manifolds I, II


Analysis and Geometry in non-Riemannian spaces, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 3 November 2015.
Title: Projective structures on manifolds
CURVE: Representations of 3-manifold groups, geometric structures and exact computations, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France, 26 June 2015.
Title: Tropical geometry, normal surfaces and the character variety
Geometry, groups and 3-manifolds, Berkeley, USA, 22 May 2015.
Title: Multisections of manifolds
Seminaire Topologie, Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France, 16 January 2015
Title: Thurston norm via Fox calculus


Seminaire Structures Géométriques, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France, 19 December 2014
Title: Genus bounds for normal surfaces
Topology and Representation Theory at Kioloa, ANU Coastal Campus at Kioloa, Australia, 9-14 November 2014
Title: Thurston norm via Fox calculus
Geometry on Groups and Spaces, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, 8 August 2014
Title: Thurston norm via Fox calculus
Topology Seminar, Peking University, Beijing, China, 15 July 2014
Title: Genus bounds for normal surfaces
Sydney Algorithms and Computing Theory, School of IT, University of Sydney, Australia, 27 May 2014
Title: Genus bounds for normal surfaces
Knot theory: Algorithms, complexity and computation, National Institute of Informatics, Shonan, Japan, 28 April 2014
Title: Genus bounds for normal surfaces
Analysis-Geometry-Topology Seminar, University of Sydney, Australia, 24 July 2012
Title: Normal Surfaces in 3-Manifolds: Algorithms, Experiments and Questions
Topology/Geometry Seminar, Max Planck Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany, 3 February 2014
Title: Normal Surfaces in 3-Manifolds: Algorithms, Experiments and Questions


Topology, Geometry and Group Theory, Informed by Experiment, ICERM Brown University, USA, 23 October 2013
Title: A new combinatorial class of triangulations
Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Sydney, Australia, 3 October 2013
Title: Computing closed essential surfaces in 3-manifolds
Australian-Japanese Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, University of Sydney, Australia, 11 September 2013
Title: Doing algebraic geometry with shapes of tetrahedra, volume and eigenvalues
Low-dimensional Topology and Geometry in Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, 25 June 2013
Title: Computing closed essential surfaces in 3-manifolds
Algebra-Geometry-Topology Seminar, University of Melbourne, Australia, 22 February 2013
Title: Combinatorics of Triangulations and Volume Optimisation


GTA Mini-Workshop – Geometry and Topology, University of Sydney, Australia, 10 December 2012
Title: An algorithm to decide whether a 3-manifold admits a hyperbolic structure of finite volume
Geometry Seminar, University of Sydney, Australia, 24 July 2012
Title: Finite volume projective manifolds II
Group Actions Seminar, University of Sydney, Australia, 20 June 2012
Title: Finite volume projective manifolds
Math Literature Seminar, Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, China, 6 July 2012
Title: Three angles on tropical geometry
Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics Seminar, TU Darmstadt, Germany, 11 May 2012
Title: Cross ratios, representations and valuations
Triangulations, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, 4 May 2012
Title: Structure of 0–efficient or minimal triangulations
Algebra-Geometry-Topology Seminar, University of Melbourne, Australia, 9 March 2012
Title: Finite volume projective manifolds


Differential Geometry Seminar, University of Adelaide, Australia, 21 November 2011
Title: Applications of tropical geometry to groups and manifolds
Algebra, Combinatorics and Topology Seminar, University of Queensland, Australia, 4 October 2011
Title: The Margulis lemma for properly convex projective manifolds
Group-valued moment maps with applications to mathematics and physics, University of Adelaide, Australia, 5 September 2011
Title: Volume optimisation on triangulated 3-manifolds
Faces of Geometry: 3-Manifolds, Groups & Singularities, Columbia University, New York, USA, 6 June 2011
Title: The Margulis lemma for properly convex projective manifolds
CARMA Colloquium, University of Newcastle, Australia, 19 May 2011
Title: What is the Thurston norm?
Research Seminar, The University of Sydney, Australia, 25 February 2011
Title: Algorithms for 3-manifolds
Low Dimensional Topology Seminar, Max Planck Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany, 31 January 2011
Title: Volume of Representations: Definition and Applications
Oberseminar Geometrie, Topologie und Analysis, Universität zu Köln, Germany, 28 January 2011
Title: Volume optimisation on triangulated 3-manifolds
Topics in Topology, Max Planck Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany, 24 January 2011
Title: Volume optimisation on triangulated 3-manifolds
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie und Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 18 January 2011
Title: Volume optimisation on triangulated 3-manifolds


Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics Seminar, TU Darmstadt, Germany, 20 December 2010
Title: Algorithmen für 3-Mannigfaltigkeiten
Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Brisbane, Australia, 30 September 2010
Title: Pseudo-developing maps for ideal triangulations
Algebra, Combinatorics and Topology Seminar, University of Queensland, Australia, 3 August 2010
Title: Volume of representations
Topology And Geometry in Dimension Three, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA, 6 June 2010
Title: Remarks on the deformation variety
Character Varieties in the Geometry and Topology of Low-dimensional Manifolds, BIRS, Banff, Canada, 26 April 2010
Title: Representations of closed 3-manifold groups
Algebra Seminar, University of Sydney, Australia, 9 April 2010
Title: Volume of representations
Algebra-Geometry-Topology Seminar, University of Melbourne, Australia, 15 February 2010
Title: Spinning, Straightening and the Recognition of Closed Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds
Algebra, Combinatorics and Topology Seminar, University of Queensland, Australia, 2 February 2010
Title: Spinning, Straightening and the Recognition of Closed Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds


Tropical Structures in Geometry and Physics, MSRI, Berkeley, USA, 4 December 2009
Title: The Hilbert geometry of the n-simplex
Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Adelaide, Australia, 30 September 2009
Title: An extension of the BNS invariant using Morse theory
Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, University of Queensland, Australia, 18 August 2009
Title: Bounds for the complexity of 3-manifolds, Part 2
Joint Colloquium, University of Sydney and University of NSW, Australia, 14 August 2009
Title: Complexity of 3-manifolds
Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, University of Queensland, Australia, 11 August 2009
Title: Bounds for the complexity of 3-manifolds, Part 1
Workshop on 3-manifolds, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 13 July 2009
Title: Volume of representations
Topology Seminar, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA, 28 April 2009
Title: Bounds for the complexity of 3-manifolds


Departmental Seminar, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 5 November 2008
Title: Algorithmic geometry and topology
Victorian Algebra Conference, RMIT, Australia, 2-3 October 2008
Title: A generalisation of the BNS invariant
Joint Colloquium, University of Sydney and University of NSW, Australia, 26 September 2008
Title: What is the Thurston norm?
Low dimensional topology seminar, UQAM, Montréal, Canada, 22 April 2008
Title: Minimal triangulations for an infinite family of lens spaces
Topology Seminar, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA, 10 April 2008
Title: Minimal triangulations for an infinite family of lens spaces
Geometry and Topology Seminar, University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA, 9 April 2008
Title: Applications of tropical geometry to groups and manifolds
Topology Seminar, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA, 2 April 2008
Title: Minimal triangulations for an infinite family of lens spaces


Tropical Geometry, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, 13 December 2007
Title: Applications of tropical geometry to groups and manifolds
MSI Colloquium, ANU Canberra, Australia, 8 November 2007
Title: Tropical geometry, group actions and 3-manifolds
Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Melbourne, Australia, 28 September 2007
Title: The Thurston norm via normal surfaces
3-manifold geometry and topology, Warwick, England, 9 July 2007
Title: The Thurston norm via normal surfaces
International Conference on Geometric Topology and Geometric Analysis, CMS, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 28 June 2007
Title: Spun-normal surfaces and the boundary curve map
Geometric Topology Conference, Beijing, China, 18 June 2007
Title: The Thurston norm via normal surfaces
Topology/Geometry Seminar, Yale, USA, 26 April 2007
Title: The Thurston norm via normal surfaces
Geometry/Topology Seminar, Rutgers New Brunswick, USA, 17 April 2007
Title: The Thurston norm via normal surfaces
Geometry Seminar, Boston University, USA, 11 April 2007
Title: Volume of representations
Geometric Group Theory and Topology Seminar, Tufts University, Boston, USA, 10 April 2007
Title: The Thurston norm via normal surfaces
Topology Seminar, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA, 8 March 2007
Title: Normal surfaces and the Thurston norm
Topology Seminar, Rice University, Houston, USA, 26 February 2007
Title: Volume of representations


Topology/Geometry Seminar, Yale, USA, 16 November 2006
Title: Volume of representations
Geometry/Topology Seminar, Rutgers New Brunswick, USA, 14 November 2006
Title: Volume of representations
Geometry/Topology Seminar, The University of Melbourne, Australia, 9 October 2006
Title: Volume of representations
Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Sydney, Australia, 29 September 2006
Title: Volume of representations
Oberseminar Topologie, Max Planck Institut, Bonn, Germany, 14 August 2006
Title: When ideal characters are tropical...
3-manifolds after Perelman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 16 March 2006
Title: When ideal characters are tropical...
Topology Seminar, UCSB, USA, 24 February 2006
Title: Angle structures and normal surfaces
Seminaire CIRGET, UQAM, Montréal, Canada, 17 February 2006
Title: Angle structures and geometric splittings
Manifolds at Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 17 January 2006
Title: Angle structures and geometric splittings


Geometric Topology Seminar, Columbia University, New York, USA, 7 October 2005
Title: Angle structures and normal surfaces
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society, Waterloo, Canada, 4-6 June 2005
Title: Angle structures and geometric splittings
Topology/Geometry Seminar, McMaster, Hamilton, Canada, 7 March 2005
Title: Normal surfaces, angle structures and the character variety
Topology Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, USA, 24 February 2005
Title: Normal surfaces, angle structures and the character variety
Topology Seminar, UT Austin, USA, 14 February 2005
Title: Normal surfaces, angle structures and the character variety


Geometry/Topology Seminar, SUNY Buffalo, USA, 29 October 2004
Title: A birationality result for character varieties
Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Nashville, USA, 16 October 2004
Title: A birationality result for character varieties
Canada-France Meeting of Mathematics, Toulouse, France, 15 July 2004
Title: Normal surfaces, angle structures and the character variety
Topology Seminar, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA, 21 May 2004
Title: Normal surfaces, angle structures and the character variety
Three-Manifolds Seminar, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, 3 March 2004
Title: Degeneration of hyperbolic structures and normal surfaces in 3-manifolds


Seminaire CIRGET, UQAM, Montréal, Canada, 26 September 2003
Title: Degeneration of hyperbolic structures and normal surfaces in 3-manifolds
Conference on Topology, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Canberra, Australia, 24 July 2003
Title: Boundary slopes and the logarithmic limit set


Poincaré Seminar, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, USA, 31 October 2001
Title: On Deformations of hyperbolic structures and normal surface theory
Geometric Topology Seminar, Columbia University, New York, USA, 19 October 2001
Title: On Deformations of hyperbolic structures and normal surface theory
Albany Group Theory Conference, New York, USA, 14 October 2001
Title: Deformations of hyperbolic structures and normal surface theory
Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Canberra, Australia, 24 September 2001
Title: Deformations of hyperbolic structures and normal surface theory


Geometric Topology Seminar, Columbia University, New York, USA, 24 March 2000
Title: On the Kinoshita-Terasaka knot and generalised Conway mutation


Algebra and Topology Seminar, The University of Melbourne, Australia, September 1999
Title: On the Kinoshita-Terasaka knot and generalised Conway mutation
CMA National Research Symposium on Algebraic Geometry and Applications, Canberra, Australia, 20 July 1999
Title: On character varieties of mutative 3-manifolds