


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Toledo D

1. O'Brian NR, Toledo D, Tong YL
O'Brian NR, Toledo D, Tong YL: A Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch formula for complex manifolds, Mathematische Annalen, 271 (1985), 493–526. 87h:32045

2. O'Brian NR, Toledo D, Tong YL
O'Brian NR, Toledo D, Tong YL: Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch for coherent sheaves, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 5 (1981), 182–184. 82m:32011

3. O'Brian NR, Toledo D, Tong YL
O'Brian NR, Toledo D, Tong YL: Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch for coherent sheaves, American Journal of Mathematics, 103 (1981), 253–271. 82f:32022

4. O'Brian NR, Toledo D, Tong YL
O'Brian NR, Toledo D, Tong YL: The trace map and characteristic classes for coherent sheaves, American Journal of Mathematics, 103 (1981), 225–252. 82f:32021

Number of matches: 4