


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Toland JF

1. Buffoni B, Dancer EN, Toland JF
B Buffoni, E N Dancer & J F Toland: The regularity and local bifurcation of steady periodic water waves, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 152 (2000), 207–240. 2002e:76010a

2. Buffoni B, Dancer EN, Toland JF
B Buffoni, E N Dancer & J F Toland: The sub-harmonic bifurcation of Stokes waves, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 152 (2000), 241–271. 2002e:76010b

3. Buffoni B, Dancer EN, Toland JF
Boris Buffoni, Edward Norman Dancer, John Francis Toland: Sur les ondes de Stokes et une conjecture de Levi-Civita, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 326 (1998), 1265–1268. 99g:76014

4. Dancer EN, Toland JF
E. N. Dancer and J. F. Toland: Real transformations with polynomial invariants, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 19 (1996), 99–122. 97c:58120

5. Dancer EN, Toland JF
Dancer EN, Toland J: The index change and global bifurcation for systems with a first integral, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 66 (1993), 539–567. 94a:58140

6. Dancer EN, Toland JF
Dancer EN, Toland J: Equilibrium states in the degree theory of periodic orbits with a first integral, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 63 (1991), 569–594. 92m:58111

7. Dancer EN, Toland JF
Dancer EN, Toland J: Degree theory for orbits of prescribed period for flows with a first integral, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 60 (1990), 549–580. 91a:58152

Number of matches: 7