


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Iohara K

1. Iohara K, Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
K Iohara, G I Lehrer, and R B Zhang: Equivalence of a tangle category and a category of infinite dimensional \(\mathrm{Uq}(\mathrm{sl}2)\)-modules, Representation Theory, 25 (2021), 265–299 (Free Access).

2. Iohara K, Lehrer GI, Zhang RB
K Iohara, G I Lehrer and R B Zhang: Temperley-Lieb algebras at roots of unity, a fusion category and the Jones quotient, Mathematical Research Letters, 26 (2019), no. 1, 121–158. MR3963979

Number of matches: 2