


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Dolgov S

1. Cui T, Dolgov S, Scheichl R
Tiangang Cui, Sergey Dolgov and Robert Scheichl: Deep Importance Sampling Using Tensor Trains with Application to a Priori and a Posteriori Rare Events, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 46 (2024), no. 1, C1–C29.

2. Cui T, Dolgov S, Zahm O
Tiangang Cui, Sergey Dolgov, Olivier Zahm: Scalable conditional deep inverse Rosenblatt transports using tensor trains and gradient-based dimension reduction, Journal of Computational Physics, 485 (2023), 112103.

3. Cui T, Dolgov S
Tiangang Cui & Sergey Dolgov: Deep composition of tensor trains using squared inverse Rosenblatt transports, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 22 (2022), 1863–1922.

Number of matches: 3