


Publication Search Results

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1. Fan X, Yue Y, Sarkar P, Wang RYX
Xinjie Fan, Yuguang Yue, Purnamrita Sarkar, Y X Rachel Wang: A unified framework for tuning hyperparameters in clustering problems, Statistics Sinica, 34 (2024), no. 2, 933–954.

2. Lin Y, Wu TY, Chen X, Wan S, Chao B, Xin J, Yang YH, Wong WH, Wang RYX
Yingxin Lin, Tung-Yu Wu, Xi Chen, Sheng Wan, Brian Chao, Jingxue Xin, Jean Y H Yang, Wing H Wong and Y X Rachel Wang: Data integration and inference of gene regulation using single-cell temporal multimodal data with scTIE, Genome Research, 34 (2024), no. 1, 119–133.

3. Wang L, Wang RYX, Li JJ, Tong X
Lijia Wang,Y X Rachel Wang, Jingyi Jessica Li and Xin Tong: Hierarchical Neyman-Pearson Classification for Prioritizing Severe Disease Categories in COVID-19 Patient Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 119 (2024), no. 545, 39–51.

4. Wu TY, Wang RYX, Wong WH
Tung-Yu Wu, Y X Rachel Wang, Wing H Wong: Mini-Batch Metropolis–Hastings With Reversible SGLD Proposal, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117 (2022), no. 537, 386–394.

5. Wang RYX, Li L, Li JJ, Huang H
Y. X. Rachel Wang, Lexin Li, Jingyi Jessica Li and Haiyan Huang: Network Modeling in Biology: Statistical Methods for Gene and Brain Networks, Statistical Science, 36 (2021), no. 1, 89–108.

6. Sarkar P, Wang RYX, Mukherjee SS
Purnamrita Sarkar, Y X Rachel Wang, Soumendu S. Mukherjee: When random initializations help: a study of variationalinference for community detection, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22 (2021), 1–46.

7. Wang RYX, Sarkar P, Ursu O, Kundaje A, Bickel PJ
Y X Rachel Wang, Purnamrita Sarkar, Oana Ursu, Anshul Kundaje and Peter J Bickel: Network modelling of topological domains using HI-C data, Annals of Applied Statistics, 13 (2019), no. 3, 1511–1536. MR4019148

8. Mukherjee SS, Sarkar P, Wang RYX, Yan B
Soumendu Sundar Mukherjee, Purnamrita Sarkar, Y. X. Rachel Wang and Bowei Yan: Mean Field for the Stochastic Blockmodel: Optimization Landscape and Convergence Issues, Mean Field for the Stochastic Blockmodel: Optimization Landscape and Convergence Issues, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, S. Bengio, H. Wallach, H. Larochelle, K. Grauman, N. Cesa-Bianchi and R. Garnett (eds.), Curran Associates, Inc., Montreal, (2018), 10717–10727. ISBN NA.

9. Ursu O, Boley N, Taranova M, Wang RYX, Yardimci GG, Noble WS, Kundaje A, Birol I
Oana Ursu, Nathan Boley, Maryna Taranova, Y. X. Rachel Wang, Galip Gurkan Yardimci, William Stafford Noble, Anshul Kundaje and Inanc Birol: GenomeDISCO: A concordance score for chromosome conformation capture experiments using random walks on contact map graphs, Bioinformatics, 34 (2018), no. 16, 2701––2707.

10. Wang RYX, Bickel PJ
Y. X. Rachel Wang and Peter J. Bickel: Likelihood-based model selection for stochastic block models, Annals of Statistics, 45 (2017), no. 2, 500–528.

11. Bhaskar A, Wang RYX, Song YS
A. Bhaskar, Y. X. R. Wang and Y. S. Song: Efficient inference of population size histories and locus-specific mutation rates from large-sample genomic variation data, Genome research, 25 (2015), no. 2, 268–279.

12. Wang RYX, Jiang K, Feldman LJ, Bickel PJ, Huang H
Y. X. Rachel Wang, Keni Jiang, Lewis J. Feldman, Peter J. Bickel and Haiyan Huang: Inferring gene–gene interactions and functional modules using sparse canonical correlation analysis, Annals of Applied Statistics, 9 (2015), no. 1, 300–323.

13. Wang RYX, Waterman MS, Huang H
Y. X. Rachel Wang, Michael S. Waterman and Haiyan Huang: Gene coexpression measures in large heterogeneous samples using count statistics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (2014), no. 46, 16371–16376.

14. Wang RYX, Huang H
Y. X. Rachel Wang and Haiyan Huang: Review on statistical methods for gene network reconstruction using expression data, Journal of theoretical biology, 362 (2014), no. 7, 53–61.

15. Steinrücken M, Wang RYX, Song YS
Matthias Steinrücken, Y. X. Rachel Wang and Yun S. Song: An explicit transition density expansion for a multi-allelic Wright–Fisher diffusion with general diploid selection., Theoretical population biology, 83 (2013), 1–14.

16. Zhang X, Wang RYX, Cox FM, Kuhlmey BT, Large MCJ
X. Zhang, R. Wang, F. M. Cox, B. T. Kuhlmey and M. C. J. Large: Selective coating of holes in microstructured optical fiber and its application to in-fiber absorptive polarizers, Optics express, 15 (2007), no. 24, 16270–16278.

Number of matches: 16