


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Viera F, Stephen SO, Michael V
Fernando Viera, Sharon O Stephen and Vipin Michael: Linear Stability of Hypersonic Flow with Moderate Cooling, Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, The 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, T C W Lau and R M Kelso (eds.), Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, Adelaide, (2018), 4 pages. ISBN 978-0-646-59784-3.

2. Viera F
Viera F: The evolution of cylindrical geostrophic vortices, Proceedings, Computational Techniques and Applications: CTAC-93, Computational Techniques and Applications, World Scientific, Singapore, (1994),

3. Viera F
Viera F: Boundary Surface Dynamics: an algorithm for stratified geostrophic flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 111 (1994), 336–346.

4. Viera F, Grimshaw RHJ
Viera F, Grimshaw R: Topographic forcing of mesoscale phenomena: Filamentation, vortex formation and eddy detachment, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24 (1994), 1433–1448.

5. Buchwald VT, Viera F
Buchwald VT, Viera F: The diffraction of coastally trapped waves into and from a strait, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 72 (1993), 1–34.

6. Viera F
Viera F: Scattering of long divergent shelf waves by a thin barrier parallel to the coast, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 22 (1992), 944–950.

7. Middleton JF, Viera F
Middleton JF, Viera F: The diffraction of Coastally Trapped waves by a strait, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 21 (1991), 695–708.

8. Viera F, Buchwald VT
Viera F, Buchwald VT: The generation of surface waves by an intense cyclone, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Series B), 25 (1983), 64. 84g:76017

9. Viera F, Buchwald VT
Viera F, Buchwald VT: The response of the East Australian continental shelf to a travelling pressure disturbance, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 19 (1982), 249. MR2005959

Number of matches: 9