


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and R B Zhang: Mixed cohomology of Lie superalgebras, Journal of Algebra, 549 (2020), 1–29.

2. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and R B Zhang: Erratum to Character and Dimension Formulae for Queer Lie Superalgebra [Commun. Math. Phys., (2015), 333, (1465-1481), DOI 10.1007/s00220-014-2209-4], Communications in Mathematical Physics, 342 (2016), no. 2, 769–770.

3. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and R B Zhang: Generalised Jantzen Filtrationof Exceptional Lie Superalgebras, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 212 (2016), 635–676.

4. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and R B Zhang: Character and Dimension Formulae for Queer Lie Superalgebra, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 333 (2015), 1465–1481.

5. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su, R B Zhang: Generalised Jantzen filtration of Lie superalgebras I., Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 14 (2012), no. 4, 1103–1133. MR2928846

6. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su, R B Zhang: Generalised Verma modules for the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra ospk|2, Journal of Algebra, 357 (2012), 94–115. MR2905244

7. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and Ruibin Zhang: Cohomology of Lie SuperAlgebras \(\mathrm{SL}_{m|n}\) and \(\mathrm{OSP}_{2|2n}\), Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 94 (2007), no. 1, 91–136. MR2293466

8. Su Y, Zhang RB
Yucai Su and Ruibin Zhang: Character and dimension formulae for general linear superalgebra, Advances in Mathematics, 211 (2007), no. 1, 1–33. MR2313526

9. Su Y
Yucai Su: Composition factors of Kac modules for the general linear Lie superalgebras, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 252 (2006), 731–754. MR2206623

Number of matches: 9