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Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Roffelsen P
Pieter Roffelsen: On \(q\)-Painlevé VI and the geometry of Segre surfaces, Nonlinearity, 37 (2024), no. online, 116 pages.

2. Joshi N, Roffelsen P
Nalini Joshi and Pieter Roffelsen: On the monodromy manifold of q-Painlevé VI and its Riemann–Hilbert problem, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 404 (2023), no. 1, 97–149.

3. Joshi N, Roffelsen P
Nalini Joshi and Pieter Roffelsen: On symmetric solutions of the fourth q-Painlevé equation, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 56 (2023), no. 18, Article no. 185201 (31 pages).

4. Masoero D, Roffelsen P
Davide Masoero and Pieter Roffelsen: Roots of generalised Hermite polynomials when both parameters are large, Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), no. 3, 1663–1732.

5. Joshi N, Roffelsen P
Nalini Joshi and Pieter Roffelsen: On the Riemann-Hilbert Problem for a \(q\)-Difference Painlevé Equation, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 384 (2021), no. 1, 549–585.

6. Masoero D, Roffelsen P
Davide Masoero and Pieter Roffelsen: Poles of Painlevé IV Rationals and their Distribution, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 14 (2018), no. 2, 49 pages.

7. Joshi N, Roffelsen P
Nalini Joshi and Pieter Roffelsen: Analytic solutions of \(q\)-\(P(A_1)\) near its critical points, Nonlinearity, 29 (2016), 3696–3742.

Number of matches: 7