


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Reid CR

1. Carlesso D, Nab JMM, Lustri CJ, Reid CR
Daniele Carlesso, Justin M McNab, Christopher J Lustri, Chris R Reid: A simple mechanism for collective decision-making in the absence of payoff information, PNAS, 120 (2023), no. 29, article e2216217120 (11 pages).

2. Lutz MJ, Reid CR, Lustri CJ, Kao AB, Garnier S, Couzin ID
Matthew J Lutz, Chris R Reid, Christopher J Lustri, Albert B Kao, Simon Garnier, Iain D Couzin: Individual error correction drives responsive self-assembly of army ant scaffolds, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (2021), e2013741118.

Number of matches: 2