


Publication Search Results

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1. Sun YY, Zhang DJ, Nijhoff FW
Ying-ying Sun, Da-jun Zhang, and Frank W. Nijhoff: The Sylvester equation and the elliptic Korteweg-de Vries system, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 58 (2017), 033504–1 – 033504–25.

2. Hietarinta J, Joshi N, Nijhoff FW
J Hietarinta, N Joshi, F W Nijhoff: Discrete Systems and Integrability, Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, M J Ablowitz, S Davis, E J Hinch, A Iserles, J Ockendon, P J Olver (eds.), Cambridge University Press, UK, (2016), 440. ISBN 978-1107669482. MR3587455

3. Atkinson J, Lobb SB, Nijhoff FW
J. Atkinson, S. B. Lobb, F. W. Nijhoff: An integrable multicomponent quad equation and its Lagrangian formulation, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 173 (2012), no. 3, 1644–1653.

4. Yoo-Kong S, Lobb SB, Nijhoff FW
S. Yoo-Kong, S. B. Lobb, F. W. Nijhoff: Discrete-time Calogero--Moser system and Lagrangian 1-form structure, Journal of Physics. A, 44 (2011), 365203.

5. Xenitidis P, Nijhoff FW, Lobb SB
P. Xenitidis, F. W. Nijhoff, S. B. Lobb: On the Lagrangian formulation of multidimensionally consistent systems, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 467 (2011), no. 2135, 3295–3317.

6. Lobb SB, Nijhoff FW
S. B. Lobb, F. W. Nijhoff: Lagrangian multiform structure for the lattice Gel'fand--Dikii hierarchy, Journal of Physics. A, 43 (2010), 072003.

7. Nijhoff FW, Atkinson J
Frank Nijhoff and James Atkinson: Elliptic $N$-soliton Solutions of ABS Lattice Equations, International Mathematical Research Notes, IMRN, 20 (2010), 3837–3895.

8. Atkinson J, Nijhoff FW
James Atkinson and Frank Nijhoff: A constructive approach to the soliton solutions of integrable quadrilateral Lattice equations, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 299 (2010), 283–304.

9. Lobb SB, Nijhoff FW, Quispel GRW
S. B. Lobb, F. W. Nijhoff, G. R. W. Quispel: Lagrangian multiform structure for the lattice KP system, Journal of Physics. A, 42 (2009), 472002.

10. Lobb SB, Nijhoff FW
S. B. Lobb, F. W. Nijhoff: Lagrangian multiforms and multidimensional consistency, Journal of Physics. A, 42 (2009), 454013.

11. Nijhoff FW, Atkinson J, Hietarinta J
Frank Nijhoff, James Atkinson and Jarmo Hietarinta: Soliton solutions for ABS lattice equations: I. Cauchy matrix approach, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42 (2009), no. 404005, 34 pages.

12. Field CM, Joshi N, Nijhoff FW
Chris M Field, Nalini Joshi and Frank W Nijhoff: \(q\)-difference equations of KdV type and Chazy-type second-degree difference equations, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41 (2008), no. 33, 13 pages.

13. Hay M, Hietarinta J, Joshi N, Nijhoff FW
Mike Hay, Jarmo Hietarinta, Nalini Joshi and Frank Nijhoff: A Lax pair for a lattice modified KdV equation, reductions to \(q\)-Painlevé equations and associated Lax pairs, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 40 (2007), no. 2, F61–F73. MR2303490

14. Joshi N, Nijhoff FW, Ormerod CM
N. Joshi, F. W. Nijhoff, C. Ormerod: Lax pairs for ultra-discrete Painlevé cellular automata, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 37 (2004), L559–L565. MR2098040

15. Nijhoff FW, Hone ANW, Joshi N
F Nijhoff, A Hone and N Joshi: On the discrete and continuous Miura chain associated with the sixth Painlevé equation, Physics Letters, 264 (2000), 396–406. 2000m:37156

16. Nijhoff FW, Hone ANW, Joshi N
F Nijhoff, A Hone and N Joshi: On a Schwarzian PDE associated with the KdV hierarchy, Physics Letters. A, 267 (2000), 147–156. 2001m:37143

Number of matches: 16