


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Joarder AH, Mahmood M
Anwar H Joarder, Munir Mahmood: An inductive derivation of Stirling numbers of the second kind and their applications in statistics, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 1 (1997), no. 2, 151–157. MR1609730

2. Joarder AH
Joarder AH: On the characteristic function of the multivariate Pearson type II distribution, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 18 (1997), 177–182. 98b:60032

3. Joarder AH, Ali MM
Joarder AH, Ali MM: Estimation of the scale matrix of a multivariate T-model under entropy loss, Metrika, 46 (1997), 21–32. 98k:62096

4. Joarder AH, Hossain MA
A H Joarder and M A Hossain: Estimation of the eigenvalues of the scale matrix of a class of elliptical distributions, Statistica Neerlandica, 56 (1996), no. 3, 313–319. MR1476909

5. Joarder AH, Hossain MA
Joarder AH, Hossain MA: On the characteristic function of the multivariate Pearson type II distribution, Statistica, LVI 3 (1996), 313–319. MR1476909

6. Singh S, Joarder AH, King ML
Sarjinder Singh, A.H. Joarder and Maxwel L. King: Regression analysis using scrambled responses, The Australian Journal of Statistics, 38 (1996), 201–211. 99c:62191

Number of matches: 6