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Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Hester EW, Vasil GM, Wechselberger M
Eric W Hester, Geoffrey M Vasil, Martin Wechselberger: On the stability of shocks in isothermal black hole accretion discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (2022), no. 4, 5771–5781.

2. Hester EW, Vasil GM, Burns KJ
Eric W Hester, Geoffrey M Vasil, Keaton J Burns: Improving accuracy of volume penalised fluid-solid interactions, Journal of Computational Physics, 430 (2021), Article 110043 (25 pages).

3. Hester EW, McConnochie CD, Cenedese C, Couston LA, Vasil GM
Eric W Hester, Craig D McConnochie, Claudia Cenedese, Louis-Alexandre Couston and Geoffrey Vasil: Aspect ratio affects iceberg melting, Physical Review Fluids, 6 (2021), no. 2, Art. 023802 (Open Access).

4. Hester EW, Couston LA, Favier B, Burns KJ, Vasil GM
Eric W Hester , Louis-Alexandre Couston , Benjamin Favier , Keaton J Burns and Geoffrey M Vasil: Improved phase-field models of melting and dissolution in multi-component flows: Improved phase-field models, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 476 (2020), no. 2242, rticle number 20200508.

Number of matches: 4