


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Ford HZ, Byrne HM, Myerscough MR
Hugh Z Ford, Helen M Byrne, Mary R Myerscough: A lipid-structured model for macrophage populations in atherosclerotic plaques, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 479 (2019), no. October 2019, 48–63. MR3983063

2. Ford HZ, Zeboudj L, Purvis GSD, ten Bokum A, Zarebski AE, Bull JA, Byrne HM, Myerscough MR, Greaves DR
Hugh Z Ford, Lynda Zeboudj , Gareth S D Purvis , Annemieke ten Bokum , Alexander E Zarebski, Joshua A Bull , Helen M Byrne , Mary R Myerscough and David R Greaves: Efferocytosis perpetuates substance accumulation inside macrophage populations, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286 (2019), no. 1904, Article number 20190730.

3. Thon MP, Ford HZ, Gee MW, Myerscough MR
Moritz P Thon, Hugh Z Ford, Michael W Gee, Mary R Myerscough: A Quantitative Model of Early Atherosclerotic Plaques Parameterized Using In Vitro Experiments, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 80 (2018), no. 1, 175–214.

Number of matches: 3