


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Fisher NI

1. Trewin D, Fisher NI, Cressie N
Dennis Trewin, Nicholas Fisher and Noel Cressie: The Robodebt tragedy, Signifance, December 2023 (2023), 18–21.

2. Fisher NI
Nicholas I Fisher: Assessing the Quality of Universities: A Gedankenexperiment  Derived from Creating Stakeholder Value, Journal of Creating Value, 8 (2022), no. 1, 25–44.

3. Fisher NI, Trewin DJ
Nicholas I. Fisher and Dennis J. Trewin: A proposal to enhance national capability to manage epidemics: The critical importance of expert statistical input including official statistics, Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 37 (2021), no. 1, 1–17.

4. Fisher NI, Lunn PD, Sasse SM
Nicholas I Fisher, Peter D Lunn and Stephen M Sasse: Enhancing Value by Continuously Improving Enterprise Culture, Journal of Creating Value, 7 (2021), no. 2, 1–23.

5. Fisher NI, Smith AFM
Nicholas I Fisher and Adrian F M Smith: Willem van Zwet's contributions to the profession, The Annals of Statisitcs, 49 (2021), no. 5, 2432–2438.

6. Fisher NI
Nicholas I Fisher: Performance Measurement: Issues, Approaches, and Opportunities, Harvard Data Science Review, 3.4 (2021), no. Fall 2021, 34 pages.

7. Fisher NI
N I Fisher: A Comprehensive Approach to Problems of Performance Measurement, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 182 (2019), no. 2, 1–49.

8. Fisher NI, Tanaka Y, Woodall W
Nicholas Fisher, Yutaka Tanaka, William Woodall: The Road to Quality Control: The Industrial Application of Statistical Quality Control, by H. M. Sarasohn, Wiley, USA, (2019), 160. ISBN 978-1-119-51498-5.

9. Fisher NI, Kordupleski RE
Nicholas I Fisher, Raymond E Kordupleski: Good and bad market research: A critical review of Net Promoter Score, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 35 (2019), no. 1, 138–151. MR3915819

10. Fisher NI
N I Fisher: Stakeholder Value as an Organizing Principle for Strategic Planning, Journal of Creating Value, 4 (2018), no. 1, 1–10.

11. Beran RJ, Fisher NI
R J Beran and N I Fisher: Obituary, Peter Gavin Hall AO, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 179 (2016), no. Part 4, 1117–1125.

12. Fisher NI, van Zwet WR
Nicholas I Fisher and Willem R van Zwet: An Interview with Jae C. Lee, International Statistical Review, 83 (2015), no. 3, 371–404.

13. Fisher NI
N I Fisher: A Conversation with Jerry Friedman, Statistical Science, 30 (2015), no. 2, 268–295.

14. Fisher NI
N I Fisher: Analytics for Leaders. A Performance Measurement System for Business Success, Cambridge Press, UK, (2013), 241. ISBN 9781107045569.

15. Fisher NI, Lee AJ, Cribb JHJ
N I Fisher, A J Lee and J HJ. Cribb: A Scientific Approach to Monitoring Public Perceptions of Scientific Issue, International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 3 (2013), no. 1, 25–51.

16. Fisher NI, Lee AJ
N I Fisher and A J Lee: Getting the 'correct' answer from survey responses: A simple application of the EM algorithm, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 53 (2011), no. 3, 353–364.

17. Fisher NI, Lee AJ, Cribb JHJ, Haynes GD
N I Fisher, A J Lee, J H J Cribb and G D Haynes: Public perceptions of foxes and fox eradication in Tasmania, Australian Zoologist, 35 (2011), no. 3, 576–589.

18. Fisher NI
N I Fisher: A conversation with Jef Teugels, International Statistical Review, 78 (2010), 419–440.

19. Baddeley A, Berman M, Fisher NI, Hardegen A, Milne RK, Schuhmacher D, Shah R, Turner R
A Baddeley, M Berman, N I Fisher, A Hardegen, R K Milne, D Schuhmacher, R Shah and R Turner: Spatial logistic regression and change-of-support in Poisson point processes, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 4 (2010), 1151–1201.

20. Beran RJ, Fisher NI
R J Beran and N I Fisher: An evening spent with Bill van Zwet, Statistical Science, 24 (2009), no. 1, 87–115. MR2561130

21. Fisher NI
N I Fisher: Homer Sarashohn and American involvement in the evolution of quality management in Japan, 1945-1950, International Statistical Review, 77 (2009), 276–299.

22. Fisher NI, Nair VN
N I Fisher and V N Nair: Quality management and quality practice: perspectives on their history and their future, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 25 (2009), 1–28.

23. Fisher NI, van Zwet WR
N I Fisher and W R van Zwet: Remembering Wassily Hoeffding, Statistical Science, 23 (2008), 536–547. MR2530549

24. Fisher NI, Cribb JHJ, Peacock AJ
N J Fisher, J H J Cribb and A J Peacock: Reading the public mind: a novel approach to improving the adoption of new science and technology, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 47 (2008), no. 11, 1–10.

25. Fisher NI
Fisher N I: Contributions to "The future of industrial statistics: a panel discussion", Technometrics, 50 (2008), 103–127. MR2439873

26. Fisher NI, Cribb JHJ, Peacock AJ
N J Fisher, J H J Cribb and A J Peacock: Reading the public mind: a novel approach to improving the adoption of new science and technology, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 47 (2007), 1262–1271.

27. Fisher NI, van Zwet WR
Nicholas I Fisher and Willem R van Zwet: Wassily Hoeffding 1914-1991, Biographical Memoirs - the National Academies Press, 86 (2005), 1–12.

28. Fisher NI, Lee AJ, Sparks RS
Nicholas Fisher, Alan Lee and Ross Sparks: No more static, Marketing Research, Spring 2005 (2005), 14–19.

29. Fisher NI
Nicholas I Fisher: The industrial statistics divide: are statisticians really relevant to business and industry, International Statistical Review, 73 (2005), no. 2, 177–180.

30. Fisher NI
Nicholas I Fisher: Public awareness, professionalism and professional accreditation; international collaboration, International Statistical Review, 73 (2005), no. 2, 269–270.

31. Fisher NI
N I Fisher: The power binomial distribution: a flexible (two-parameter) finite probability distribution, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 18 (2002), 219–224. MR1932638

32. Fisher NI, Switzer P
N I Fisher, P Switzer: Statistical computing and graphics: Graphical assessment of dependence: is a picture worth 100 tests?, The American Statistician, 55 (2001), no. 3, 233–239. MR1963399

33. Fisher NI
Fisher NI: Contributions to the statistical analysis of directional data, (1993),

Number of matches: 33