


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Cresswell C, Speelman CP
Clio Cresswell and Craig P Speelman: Does mathematics training lead to better logical thinking and reasoning? A cross-sectional assessment from students to professors, PLOS ONE, Open Access (2020), no. 29 July 2020, –.

2. Cresswell C
Clio Cresswell: Mathematics and Sex, Allen and Unwin, Australia, (2003), 177. ISBN 1-74114-159-1.

3. Cresswell C, Joshi N
C. Cresswell and N. Joshi: Consistent composition of Bäcklund transformations produces confined maps, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 61 (2002), no. 1, 1–14. 2004a:39029

4. Cresswell C
Clio Cresswell: Monodromy data for the discrete first Painlevé hierarchy, SIDEIII: Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations, SIDEIII (Third meeting on Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations), Decio Levi and Orlando Ragnisco (eds.), CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, 25 American Mathematical Society, Providence, (2000), 73–81. ISBN 0821821288. MR1771711

5. Cresswell C, Joshi N
Clio Cresswell and Nalini Joshi: The discrete Painlevé I hierarchy, Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations (Canterbury, 1996), P. A. Clarkson and F. W. Nijhoff (eds.), London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 255 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (1999), 197–205. MR1705229

6. Cresswell C, Joshi N
C Cresswell and N Joshi: The discrete first, second and thirty-fourth Painlevé hierarchies, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and General, 32 (1999), 655–669. MR1671841

Number of matches: 6