


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Aniceto I

1. Lustri CJ, Aniceto I, VandenHeuvel DJ, McCue SW
Christopher J Lustri, Inês Aniceto, Daniel J VandenHeuvel and Scott W McCue: Locating complex singularities of Burgers' equation using exponential asymptotics and transseries, Proceedings A, 479 Open Access (2023), no. 2278, Article 20230516 (26 pages).

2. Aniceto I, Hasenbichler D, Howls CJ, Lustri CJ
Inês Aniceto, Daniel Hasenbichler, Christopher J Howls, Christopher J Lustri: Capturing the cascade: a transseries approach to delayed bifurcations, Nonlinearity, 34 (2021), 8248.

Number of matches: 2