


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Pople J, Warren D, Agarwal R
Joshua Pople, Diana Warren and Rashika Agarwal: New Metrics for Analysing Multiple-choice Questions: A Window into Examination Design and Curriculum Alignment, International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 32 (2024), no. 5, 58–73.

2. Warren D
Di Warren: Disrupting the past paper pandemic – developing new question banks, Proceedings of The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (2023), Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME), Tina Botwright Acuña (ed.), ACSME, Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS), Hobart, Australia, (2024), 74. ISBN 2653-0481.

3. Warren D
Diana Warren: Preparing for the future job market: Invent your own client report, Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (2022), Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (2022), Prof Manjula Sharma (ed.), ACSME, Australian Council of Deans of Science, Perth, (2022), 1.

4. Warren D
Diana Warren: Mobilising the student's voice in Data Science education: the Great Barrier Reef data project., ICOTS 11 (2022), International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Susan Peters (ed.), ICOTS, IASE, Rosaria, Argentina, (2022), 1–6.

5. Warren D
Diana Warren: Engaging diverse undergraduate cohorts with data stories: Insights from first-year student-driven projects, Proceedings of the 10th Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics, 10th Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics, Prof Ayse Aysin Bilgin & Dr Stephanie Budgett (ed.), OZCOTS, OZCOTS, Sydney, (2021), 7. ISBN 978-0-9805950-3-1.

6. Warren D, Clarke SL
Diana Warren, Samantha Louise Clarke: Choose your own adventure: Experiencing research through first-year group projects in data science, Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (2019), Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, Prof Manjula Sharma (ed.), ACSME, Australian Council of Deans of Science, Sydney, (2019), 1.

7. Easdown D, Ancev T, Bishop T, Mansfield S, Ougrinovskaia A, Saunders N, Warren D
David Easdown, Tiho Ancev, Thomas Bishop, Sarah Mansfield, Anna Ougrinovskaia, Neil Saunders, Di Warren: Learning and teaching in summer: is it better and why?, (2009), preprint.

8. Easdown D, Ancev T, Bishop T, Mansfield S, Ougrinovskaia A, Saunders N, Warren D
David Easdown, Tiho Ancev, Thomas Bishop, Sarah Mansfield, Anna Ougrinovskaia, Neil Saunders, Di Warren: Learning and teaching in summer: is it better and why?, Motivating Science Undergraduates: Ideas and Interventions, Motivating Science Undergraduates: Ideas and Interventions, Alexandra Hugman (ed.), UniServe Science Conference Proceedings, UniServe Science, The University of Sydney, (2009), 24–29. ISBN 978-1-74210-149-1.

9. Warren D, Seneta E
Di Warren and Eugene Seneta: Hypergeometric polynomial probability generating functions, VIII International Scientific Kravchuk Conference, VIII International Scientific Krauchuk Conference, Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, (2000), 52–54. ISBN 5 7707 2384 X.

10. Warren D, Seneta E
Di Warren and E Seneta: Peaks and eulerian numbers in a random sequence, Journal of Applied Probability, 33 (1996), 101–114. 97b:60060

Number of matches: 10