


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Vasil GM, Lecoanet D, Augustson K, Burns KJ, Oishi JS, Brown BP, Brummell N, Julien K
Geoffrey M Vasil, Daniel Lecoanet, Kyle Augustson, Keaton J Burns, Jeffrey S Oishi, Benjamin P Brown, Nicholas Brummell & Keith Julien: The solar dynamo begins near the surface, Nature, 629 (2024), 769–772.

2. Cresswell IG, Anders EH, Brown BP, Oishi JS, Vasil GM
Imogen G Cresswell, Evan H Anders, Benjamin P Brown, Jeffrey S Oishi and Geoffrey M Vasil: Force balances in strong-field magnetoconvection simulations, Physical Review Fluids, 8 (2023), Article 093503 (22 pages).

3. Ellison AC, Julien K, Vasil GM
Abram C Ellison, Keith Julien, Geoffrey M Vasil: A gyroscopic polynomial basis in the sphere, Journal of Computational Physics, 460 (2022), Paper 111170 (24 pages).

4. Hester EW, Vasil GM, Wechselberger M
Eric W Hester, Geoffrey M Vasil, Martin Wechselberger: On the stability of shocks in isothermal black hole accretion discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 (2022), no. 4, 5771–5781.

5. Parker JP, Goluskin D, Vasil GM
J P Parker, D Goluskin and G M Vasil: A study of the double pendulum using polynomial optimization, Chaos, 31 (2021), Art. 103102 (9 pages).

6. Boury S, Meyer CR, Vasil GM, Wells AJ
S Boury, C. R Meyer, G M Vasil and A J Wells: Convection in a mushy layer along a vertical heated wall, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 926 (2021), Article no. A33 (23 pages).

7. Vasil GM, Julien K, Featherstone NA
Geoffrey M Vasil, Keith Julien, and Nicholas A Featherstone: Rotation suppresses giant-scale solar convection, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (2021), no. 31, e2022518118 (9 pages).

8. Vasil GM, Julien K, Featherstone NA
Geoffrey M Vasil, Keith Julien and Nicholas A Featherstone: Rotation suppresses giant-scale solar convection, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (2021), no. 31, e2022518118 (9 pages).

9. Hester EW, Vasil GM, Burns KJ
Eric W Hester, Geoffrey M Vasil, Keaton J Burns: Improving accuracy of volume penalised fluid-solid interactions, Journal of Computational Physics, 430 (2021), Article 110043 (25 pages).

10. Hester EW, McConnochie CD, Cenedese C, Couston LA, Vasil GM
Eric W Hester, Craig D McConnochie, Claudia Cenedese, Louis-Alexandre Couston and Geoffrey Vasil: Aspect ratio affects iceberg melting, Physical Review Fluids, 6 (2021), no. 2, Art. 023802 (Open Access).

11. Hester EW, Couston LA, Favier B, Burns KJ, Vasil GM
Eric W Hester , Louis-Alexandre Couston , Benjamin Favier , Keaton J Burns and Geoffrey M Vasil: Improved phase-field models of melting and dissolution in multi-component flows: Improved phase-field models, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 476 (2020), no. 2242, rticle number 20200508.

12. Oishi JS, Vasil GM, Baxter M, Swan A, Burns KJ, Lecoanet D, Brown BP
Jeffrey S Oishi, Geoffrey M Vasil, Morgan Baxter, Andrew Swan, Keaton J Burns, Daniel Lecoanet and Benjamin P Brown: The magnetorotational instability prefers three dimensions, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 476 (2020), Art. 20190622.

13. Anders EH, Manduca CM, Brown BP, Oishi JS, Vasil GM
Evan H Anders, Cathryn M Manduca, Benjamin P Brown, Jeffrey S Oishi and Geoffrey M Vasil: Predicting the Rossby Number in Convective Experiments, The Astrophysical Journal, 872 (2019), no. 2, article 138, 7 pages.

14. Mickelin O, Słomka J, Burns KJ, Lecoanet D, Vasil GM, Faria LM, Dunkel J
Oscar Mickelin, Jonasz Słomka, Keaton J Burns, Daniel Lecoanet, Geoffrey M Vasil, Luiz M Faria and Jörn Dunkel: Anomalous Chained Turbulence in Actively Driven Flows on Spheres, Physical Review Letters, 120 (2018), no. 16, 164503.

15. Vasil GM, Burns KJ, Lecoanet D, Olver S, Brown BP, Oishi JS
Geoffrey M Vasil, Keaton J Burns, Daniel Lecoanet, Sheehan Olver, Benjamin P Brown, Jeffrey S Oishi: Tensor calculus in polar coordinates using Jacobi polynomials, Journal of Computational Physics, 325 (2016), 53–73. MR3546836

16. Julien K, Aurnou JM, Calkins MA, Knobloch E, Marti P, Stellmach S, Vasil GM
Keith Julien, Jonathan M Aurnou, Michael A Calkins, Edgar Knobloch, Philippe Marti, Stephan Stellmach and Geoffrey M Vasil: A nonlinear model for rotationally constrained convection with Ekman pumping, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 798 (2016), 50–87. MR3506444

17. Lecoanet D, Bars ML, Burns KJ, Vasil GM, Brown BP, Quataert E, Oishi JS
Daniel Lecoanet, Michael Le Bars, Keaton J Burns, Geoffrey M Vasil, Benjamin P Brown, Eliot Quataert and Jeffrey S Oishi: Numerical simulations of internal wave generation by convection in water, Physical Review E, 91 (2015), 063016–1 – 063016–10.

18. Vasil GM
Geoffrey M Vasil: On the magnetorotational instability and elastic buckling, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 471 (2015), no. 2177, art. no. 20140699.

19. Stellmach S, Lischper M, Julien K, Vasil GM, Cheng JS, Ribeiro A, King EM, Aurnou JM
S Stellmach, M Lischper, K Julien, G Vasil, J S Cheng, A Ribeiro, E M King, and J M Aurnou: Approaching the Asymptotic Regime of Rapidly Rotating Convection: Boundary Layers versus Interior Dynamics, Physical Review Letters, 113 (2014), no. 25, Art. 254501.

Number of matches: 19