


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Bellamy G, Thiel U
Gwyn Bellamy and Ulrich Thiel: Highest weight theory for finite-dimensional graded algebras with triangular decomposition, Advances in Mathematics, 330 (2018), 361–419.

2. Thiel U
Ulrich Thiel: Blocks in flat families of finite-dimensional algebras, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 295 (2018), no. 1, 191–240.

3. Thiel U
Ulrich Thiel: Restricted rational Cherednik algebras, Representation theory – current trends and perspectives, Henning Krause, Peter Littelmann, Gunter Malle, Karl-Hermann Neeb, Christoph Schweigert (eds.), EMS Ser. Congr. Rep., EMS, Zuerich, Switzerland, (2016), 681–745. ISBN 978-3-03719-171-2.

4. Bellamy G, Thiel U
Gwyn Bellamy and Ulrich Thiel: Cuspidal Calogero–Moser and Lusztig families for Coxeter groups, Journal of Algebra, 462 (2016), 197–252. MR3519506

5. Thiel U
Ulrich Thiel: Decomposition matrices are generically trivial, International Mathematics Research Notices, 7 (2016), 2157–2196. MR3509951

6. Thiel U
Ulrich Thiel: CHAMP: A Cherednik Algebra Magma Package, LMS J. Comput. Math., 18 (2015), no. 1, 266–307. MR3361642

7. Thiel U
Ulrich Thiel: A counter-example to Martino’s conjecture about generic Calogero–Moser families, Algebras and Representation Theory, 17 (2014), no. 5, 1323–1348. MR3260900

Number of matches: 7