


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Stehlé D, Watkins M
Damien Stehlé and Mark Watkins: On the extremality of an 80-dimensional Lattice, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6197 (2010), 340–356.

2. Fieker C, Stehlé D
Claus Fieker and Damien Stehlé: Short bases of Lattices over number fields, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6197 (2010), 157–173.

3. Detrey J, Hanrot G, Pujol X, Stehlé D
Jeremy Detrey, Guillaume Hanrot, Xavier Pujol and Damien Stehle: Accelerating Lattice reduction with FPGAs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6212 (2010), 124–143.

4. Stehlé D
Damien Stehlé: Floating-Point LLL: Theoretical and Practical Aspects, the LLL Algorithm: Survey and Applications, Information Security and Cryptography, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, (2009), 179–213. ISBN 978-3-642-02294-4.

5. Muller JM, Brisebarre N, Dinechin F, Jeannerod CP, Lefèvre V, Melquiond G, Revol N, Stehlé D, Torres S
J M Muller, N Brisebarre, F de Dinechin, C PJeannerod, V Lefèvre, G Melquiond, N Revol, D Stehlé and S Torres: Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic, Birkhauser, Boston, USA, (2009), 572. ISBN 978-0-8176-4704-9.

6. Stehlé D, Steinfeld R, Tanaka K, Xagawa K
Damien Stehlé, Ron Steinfeld, Keisuke Tanaka and Keita Xagawa: Efficient public key encryption based on ideal Lattices, Advances in Cryptology, ASIACRYPT 2009, M Masui (ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, (2009), 671–635. ISBN 978-3-642-10365-0.

7. Morel I, Stehlé D, Villard G
Ivan Morel, Damien Stehlé and Gilles Villard: H-LLL: Using householder inside LLL, Proceedings of the 2009 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, ISSAC 2009 - International Conference on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Jeremy Johnson and Hyungju Park (eds.), ACM, New York, (2009), 271–278. ISBN 978-1-60558-609-0.

8. Nguyen PQ, Stehlé D
Phong Q Nguyen and Damien Stehlé: An LLL algorithm with quadratic complexity, SIAM Journal of Computation, 39 (2009), no. 3, 874–903.

9. Nguyen PQ, Stehlé D
Phong Q Nguyen and Damien Stehlé: Low-dimensional Lattice basis reduction revisited, ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 5 (2009), no. 4, 46.

10. Akhavi A, Stehlé D
A. Akhavi and D. Stehlé: Speeding-up Lattice Reduction with Random Projections, LATIN 2008, LATIN 2008, E. Laber (ed.), LNCS, Springer, New York, (2008), 293–305.

11. Pujol X, Stehlé D
Xavier Pujol and Damien Stehlé: Rigorous and efficient short lattice vectors enumeration, Advances in Cryptology -- Asiacrypt 2008, Asiacrypt 2008, Lynn Batten (ed.), LNCS, Springer, Berlin, (2008), 0000.

12. Stehlé D
Damien Stehlé: On the randomness of bits generated by sufficiently smooth functions, Algorithmic Number Theory: ANTS-VII, 7th International Symposium, ANTS-VII, Florian Hess, Sebastian Pauli, Michael Post (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4076 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (2006), 257–274. ISBN 3-540-36075-1. MR2282929

Number of matches: 12