


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Snodgrass HB

1. Snodgrass HB, Kress JM, Wilson PR
H.B. Snodgrass, J.M. Kress and P.R. Wilson: Observations of the polar magnetic fields during the polarity reversals of cycle 22, Solar Physics, 191 (2000), 1–19.

2. Snodgrass HB, Wilson PR
Snodgrass HB, Wilson PR: Real and Virtual Unipolar Regions, Solar Physics, 148 (1993), 179–194.

3. Wilson PR, McIntosh PS, Snodgrass HB
Wilson PR, McIntosh PS, Snodgrass HB: The reversal of the solar polar magnetic fields I, Solar Physics, 127 (1990), 1–9.

4. Wilson PR, Altrock RC, Harvey KL, Martin SF, Snodgrass HB
Wilson PR, Altrock RC, Harvey KL, Martin SF, Snodgrass HB: The extended solar activity cycle, Nature, 333 (1988), 748.

5. Snodgrass HB, Wilson PR
Snodgrass HB, Wilson PR: Torsional oscillations as a signature of giant cells, Nature, 328 (1987), 696.

Number of matches: 5