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Exact matches for:

  • Author = Ostrik V

1. Coulembier K, Etingof P, Ostrik V
Kevin Coulembier, Pavel Etingof and Victor Ostrik: Asymptotic properties of tensor powers in symmetric tensor categories, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 20 (2024), no. 3, 1141–1179.

2. Coulembier K, Ostrik V, Tubbenhauer D
Kevin Coulembier, Victor Ostrik, Daniel Tubbenhauer: Growth rates of the number of indecomposable summands in tensor powers, Algebras and Representation Theory, 2 (2024), 1033––1062.

3. Coulembier K, Etingof P, Kleshchev A, Ostrik V
Kevin Coulembier, Pavel Etingof, Alexander Kleshchev, Victor Ostrik: Super invariant theory in positive characteristic, European Journal of Mathematics, 9 (2023), no. 4, Article 94 (39 pages).

4. Coulembier K, Etingof P, Ostrik V, Kleshchev A
Kevin Coulembier, Pavel Etingof, Victor Ostrik, Alexander Kleshchev: On Frobenius exact symmetric tensor categories, Annals of Mathematics (2), 197 (2023), no. 3, 1235–1279.

5. Coulembier K, Etingof P, Ostrik V, Pauwels B
Kevin Coulembier, Pavel Etingof, Victor Ostrik and Bregje Pauwels: Monoidal abelian envelopes with a quotient property., Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 794 (2023), 179–214.

Number of matches: 5