


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Murray K, Muller S, Turlach BA
K Murray, S Müller, BA Turlach: Fast and flexible methods for monotone polynomial fitting, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86 (2016), no. 15, 2946–2966. MR3523154

2. Murray K, Heritier S, Muller S
Murray K, Heritier S, Müller S: Graphical tools for model selection in generalized linear models, Statistics in Medicine, 32 (2013), 4438–4451.

3. Murray K, Muller S, Turlach BA
Murray K, Müller S, Turlach BA: Revisiting fitting monotone polynomials to data, Computational Statistics, 28 (2013), 1989–2005.

Number of matches: 3