


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Besson M, Jeralds S, Kiers J
Marc Besson, Sam Jeralds and Joshua Kiers: Weight polytopes and saturation of Demazure characters, Mathematische Annalen, 388 (2024), 4449–4486.

2. Jeralds S, Kumar S
Samuel Jeralds and Shrawan Kumar: Root components for tensor product of affine Kac–Moody Lie algebra modules, Representation Theory, 26 (2022), 825–858.

3. Besson M, Jeralds S, Kiers J
Marc Besson, Sam Jeralds and Joshua Kiers: Multiplicity in root components via geometric Satake, Communications in Algebra, 50 (2022), no. 6, 2621–2636.

4. Besson M, Kiers J, Jeralds S
Marc Besson, Joshua Kiers and Sam Jeralds: Vertices of intersection polytopes and rays of generalized Kostka cones, Journal of Lie Theory, 31 (2021), no. 4, 1055–1070.

5. Besson M, Jeralds S, Kiers J
Marc Besson, Sam Jeralds and Joshua Kiers: Geometric invariant theory and stretched Kostka quasi-polynomials, (2024), preprint.

6. Jeralds S
Sam Jeralds: Irreducible components in Hochschild cohomology of flag varieties, (2024), preprint.

7. Besson M, Jeralds S, Kiers J
Marc Besson, Sam Jeralds, and Joshua Kiers: Affine Demazure weight polytopes and twisted Bruhat orders, (2024), preprint.

Number of matches: 7