


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Bachtiar AA, James RW
A A Bachtiar and R W James: Dynamos driven by modified Beltrami flows, and a search for related planar flow dynamos, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 116 (2022), no. 2, 140–157.

2. Bachtiar AA, James RW
A. A. Bachtiar and R. W. James: Dynamos driven by modified Beltrami flows, (2019), preprint.

3. Bachtiar AA, James RW
A A Bachtiar and R W James: Dynamo convergence tests, and application to a planar velocity dynamo, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 104 (2010), no. 5-6, 531–543.

4. Bachtiar AA, Ivers DJ, James RW
A A Bachtiar, D J Ivers and R W James: Planar velocity dynamos in a sphere, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, 462 (2006), no. 2072, 2439–2456. MR2245177

5. Bachtiar AA, Ivers DJ, James RW
A.A. Bachtiar, D.J. Ivers, R.W. James: Numerical investigation of the planar velocity antidynamo theorem in a sphere, (2003), preprint.

6. Britton S, Coleman CE, Ivers DJ, James RW, Macaskill C
Britton S., Coleman C.E., Ivers D.J., James R.W. and Macaskill C.: Using AcroTeX to provide a structured learning environment for mathematics, Remarkable Delta:03 Communications, Fourth Southern Hemisphere Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning, Derek Holton and Ivan Reilly (eds.), International Delta Steering Committee, New Zealand, (2003), 58–63. ISBN 0 476 00046 7.

7. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: An antidynamo theorem for spherically symmetric generation-diffusion conditions, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 79 (1995), 259–275. 96j:86013

8. Wilson M, Macaskill C, James RW, Szabo P
Wilson M, Macaskill C, James RW, Szabo P: surplot: C and DIALOG, DIALOG interface to NCAR graphics package plus numerous extensions (Surface drawing with zoom, animation and variable inputs covering discrete and function-based input data. 13000 lines of code. Still under development.) (1994),

9. Wilson M, James RW
Wilson M, James RW: Usage: C and UNIX, Collation and Presentation of Statistics of Apollo Network Usage (3000 lines of code) (1993),

10. Wilson M, Szabo P, James RW
Wilson M, Szabo P, James RW: survey: C and UNIX, Questionnaire presenter and analyser for course surveys (1100 lines of code) (1993),

11. Wilson M, James RW, Szabo P
Wilson M, James RW, Szabo P: tuteman: C and UNIX, System usage manager for large-class tutorials spread over network of laboratories (Monitors and manipulates system usage using class and timetable databases, to avoid overcrowding, allow fair usage and to control untimetabled usage of computer laboratories. 3500 lines of code. Ongoing development.) (1993),

12. Wilson M, Macaskill C, James RW, Szabo P
Wilson M, Macaskill C, James RW, Szabo P: funplot: C and DIALOG, DIALOG interface to NCAR graphics package plus numerous extensions (Line drawing with zoom, animation and variable inputs covering discrete and function-based input data. 14000 lines of code) (1993),

13. James RW
James RW: Computer Algebra in Research and Teaching, Seminar (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Odense University, Denmark) (1993), 20.

14. James RW
James RW: Kinematic Dynamos Revisited, Seminar (Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK) (1993), 31.

15. James RW
James RW: Kinematic Dynamos Revisited, Seminar (School of Mathematics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) (1993), 31.

16. James RW
James RW: Computer Algebra in Research and Teaching, Seminar and Tutorials, 3 hours (School of Mathematics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) (1993), 20.

17. James RW
James RW: Applications of Computer Algebra to Magnetohydrodynamics, MHD93, University of Exeter, UK, May 1993, (1993),

18. Dudley ML, James RW
Dudley ML, James RW: Computer-aided derivation of spherical harmonic spectral equations in astrogeophysics, Physics Earth Planet International, 8 (1989), 423–427. MR1021614

19. Dudley ML, James RW
Dudley ML, James RW: Time-dependent kinematic dynamos with stationary flows, Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 425 (1989), 407–429. 90i:76151

20. Beard GV, James RW
Beard GV, James RW: Comments on Question 6 of the 1987 4-Unit mathematics paper, Reflections, (1988), MR1059889

21. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Antidynamo theorems for non-radial flows, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 40 (1988), 147–163. 89c:76116

22. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: An antidynamo theorem for nearly symmetry flows, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 44 (1988), 271–278. 90g:85005

23. Dudley ML, James RW, Phillips CG
Dudley ML, James RW, Phillips CG: Bounds on the infimum decay rate for axisymmetric incompressible dynamos, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 35 (1986), 373–378. 87i:76059

24. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Antidynamo theorems for non-radial flows, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 40 (1986), 147–163.

25. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Extension of the Namikawa-Matsushita antidynamo theorem to toroidal fields, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 36 (1986), 317–324. 87m:76069

26. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Axisymmetric antidynamo theorems in compressible non-uniform conducting fluids, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, 312 (1984), 179–218. 85i:86005

27. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: Interpretation of the spectral proof of Cowling's theorem, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 16 (1981), 325–328.

28. Ivers DJ, James RW
Ivers DJ, James RW: On the maintenance of magnetic fields by compressible flows and the Nernst-Ettingshausen effect, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 16 (1981), 319–323.

Number of matches: 28