


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: The greatest new development in traffic engineering since the traffic signal?, Road and Transport Research, (1994), MR1300487

2. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Models for responses to multiple-choice items, 12th Australian Statistical Society Conference, (1994),

3. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Finding corrigenda to journal articles, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Serials Librarianship, (1994), MR1300487

4. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: On overconfidence in multiple-choice tests, Psychological Record, (1994), MR1300487

5. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Discussion of data on the killing by cold of fruit fly larvae in mangosteens, The Kasetsart Journal: Natural Sciences, 27 (1993), 226–229.

6. Hutchinson TP, Lai CD
Hutchinson TP, Lai CD: As regards reliability, what is in the Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences?, Safety and Reliability, 13 (1993), no. 1, 13–21.

7. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Comments on the multivariate normal integral, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 47 (1993), 112–114.

8. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Second attempts at multiple-choice test items, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 47 (1993), 108–112.

9. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Kappa muddles together two sources of disagreement: Tetrachoric correlation is preferable, Research in Nursing and Health, 16 (1993), 313–316.

10. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: The seventh-root formula for a trivariate normal probability, The American Statistician, 47 (1993), 102–103.

11. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: A guide to bivariate ideas of quantal response analysis, as applied in biometrics and economics, Biometrical Journal, 35 (1993), 99–108.

12. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: On macroscopic description of urban traffic speeds, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44 (1993), 209–210.

13. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Essentials of Statistical Methods, in 41 Pages, Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, (1993),

14. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Providing information to the traveller by public transport, Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Australian Institutes of Transport Research, Institute of Transport Studies, University of Sydney, (1992), MR1191623

15. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Self-indexing, The Indexer, 18 (1992), 105–106.

16. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: In the multifactorial model of disease transmission, why is the rank correlation sensitive to choice of bivariate distribution?, Annals of Human Genetics, 56 (1992), 159–161.

17. Hutchinson TP, Lai CD
Hutchinson TP, Lai CD: Concepts of stochastic ageing --- Who cares?, Safety and Reliability, 12 (1992), no. 3, 7–12.

18. Hutchinson TP, Ke Y
Hutchinson TP, Ke Y: Index to Corrections, Addenda, and Comments That Were Published in Statistics Journals, 1970--1991, Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, (1992), MR1169296

19. Hutchinson TP, Ke Y
Hutchinson TP, Ke Y: Corrections, Addenda, and Comments Published in Journals of Statistics and Mathematics Applied to Psychology and Education, 1970--1991: An Index, Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, (1992),

20. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Randomization tests and the generalized method of \(m\) rankings, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 37 (1992), 163–164.

21. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Review of ``Traffic Safety and the Driver'' by L Evans, 24 (1992), 87–88.

22. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Controversies in Item Response Theory, Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, (1991), MR1116552

23. Hutchinson TP, Lai CD
Hutchinson TP, Lai CD: The Engineering Statistician's Guide to Continuous Bivariate Distributions, Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, (1991), MR1098498

24. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Ability, Partial Information, Guessing: Statistical Modelling Applied to Multiple-Choice Tests, Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, (1991), MR1116551

25. Hutchinson TP, Lai CD
Hutchinson TP, Lai CD: Continuous Bivariate Distributions, Emphasising Applications, Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, (1990), MR1070715

26. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Inter-observer agreement about traffic conflicts: A fourth opinion, Traffic Engineering and Control, 29 (1988), 235–237.

27. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Re ``Analytical potential for multiple cause-of-death data'', American Journal of Epidemiology, 126 (1987), 158–159.

28. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Road Accident Statistics, Rumsby Scientific Publishing, Adelaide, (1987),

29. Hutchinson TP, Tang KY
Hutchinson TP, Tang KY: Letter on "The value of latent class analysis in medical diagnosis" by Rindskopf and Rindskopf, Statistics in Medicine, 6 (1987), 529–530.

30. Hutchinson TP, Barton DC
Hutchinson TP, Barton DC: A mechanical reasoning test with answer-until-correct directions confirms a quantitative description of partial information, Research in Science and Technological Education, 5 (1987), 93–101.

31. Hutchinson TP, Burt N, Cuzner A, Howell R
Hutchinson TP, Burt N, Cuzner A, Howell R: Three categories of urban bus passengers, Highways and Transportation, 33 (1986), no. 10, 14–16.

32. Hutchinson TP, Alderson JC
Hutchinson TP, Alderson JC: Routine road accident data: Publications and their indexing, Road Traffic Accidents in Developing Countries, Asalor JO, Onibere EA, Ovuworie GC eds (eds.), 1 Joja Educational Research and Publishers, Lagos, (1986), 461–488.

33. Hutchinson TP, Rowell S
Hutchinson TP, Rowell S: Points systems for car insurance, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 5 (1986), 255–259.

34. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Evidence about partial information from an answer-until-correct administration of a test of spatial reasoning, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 11 (1986), 264–275.

35. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Statistical modelling of injury severity, with special reference to driver and front seat passenger in single-vehicle crashes, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 18 (1986), 157–167.

36. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Presenting one probability distribution as a function of another --- some applications, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 5 (1985), 103–123. 87c:92061

37. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Predicting performance in variants of the multiple-choice test, Fourth European Meeting of the Psychometric Society and the Classification Societies, University of Cambridge, (1985),

38. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Reliability of motor vehicle fatality statistics: An international perspective, Canadian Journal of Public Health, 76 (1985), 413–414.

39. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Analysing severity data when assessors differ in their usage of the categories, The Statistician, 34 (1985), 183–195.

40. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Nonsense items in multiple-choice tests, London Conference of the British Psychological Society, City University, (1984),

41. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Cross-national comparison of the routine collection of data on the nature and severity of injury in road crashes, International Workshop on the Methodology of Modelling Road Accident and Injury Patterns, University of Sussex, (1984),

42. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Risk in transport. A symposium report, Traffic Engineering and Control, 25 (1984), 330–331.

43. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Using the bivariate normal distribution to construct probability models in the health sciences, Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, 13 (1984), 1723–1733. MR0742525

44. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: Medical statistics on road accident injury in several countries, Transport Risk Assessment, Yagar S (ed.), University of Waterloo Press, (1984), 43–76.

45. Hutchinson TP, Nicholl JP
Hutchinson TP, Nicholl JP: Recommendations about collecting bus headway data and estimating expected waiting times, Traffic Engineering and Control, 24 (1983), 529–531.

46. Hutchinson TP, Allen AM, Gornell AW, Liew VK
Hutchinson TP, Allen AM, Gornell AW, Liew VK: Judging the centres of irregular shapes: How much variability is there?, Ergonomics, 26 (1983), 981–984.

47. Hutchinson TP, Roe MS
Hutchinson TP, Roe MS: Latent structure modelling of trip distribution, Compendium of Technical Papers, 53rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 11 Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D.C., (1983), 22–24.

48. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: A note on applications of the competing risks model, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 15 (1983), 225–226.

49. Hutchinson TP
Hutchinson TP: A bivariate normal model for intra-accident correlations of driver injury, with application to the effect of mass ratio, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 15 (1983), 215–224.

50. Grime G, Hutchinson TP
Grime G, Hutchinson TP: The influence of vehicle weight on the risk of injury to drivers, Ninth International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C., (1982), 726–741.

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