


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Henyey FS

1. Henyey FS, Macaskill C
Frank S. Henyey and Charles Macaskill: Sound through the internal wave field, Stochastic Modelling in Physical Oceanography, Progress in Probability, 39 Birkhäuser, Boston, (1996), 141–184. ISBN 0-8176-3798-2. 96k:76106

2. Henyey FS, Ewart TE, Reynolds S, Macaskill C
Henyey F, Ewart TE, Reynolds S, Macaskill C: The effect of internal waves on rays that turn sharply in deep and shallow water, Acoustical Society of America meeting, (1995), 2868.

Number of matches: 2