


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Hüsler J, Li D, Muller S
Jürg Hüsler, Deyuan Li, Samuel Müller: Weighted least squares estimation of the extreme value index, Statistics and Probability Letters, 76 (2006), 920–930.

2. Muller S, Hüsler J
Samuel Müller, Jürg Hüsler: Iterative estimation of the extreme value index, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 7 (2005), 139–148.

3. Hüsler J, Muller S
Hüsler J, Müller S: Final report: [Swiss] national company survey 1995, multiple imputation of volumes of sales (in German only ‘Schlussbericht Betriebszaehlung 1995 (BZ 95). Mehrfach imputierte Umsatzzahlen’), Methodological reports of the Statistical Methods Unit, Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Neuchâtel / Switzerland, (2001), 44. ISBN N/A.

Number of matches: 3