


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Guilhot J, Parkinson J
Jeremie Guilhot, James Parkinson: A proof of Lusztig's conjectures for affine type G2 with arbitrary parameters, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 118 (2019), no. 5, 1188–1244.

2. Guilhot J, Parkinson J
J. Guilhot and J. Parkinson: Balanced representations, the asymptotic Plancherel formula, and Lusztig's conjectures for \(\tilde{C}_2\), (2018), preprint.

3. Guilhot J, Parkinson J
J. Guilhot and J. Parkinson: A proof of Lusztig's conjectures for affine type \(G_2\) with arbitrary parameters, (2017), preprint.

4. Guilhot J
Jeremie Guilhot: Kazhdan-Lusztig cells in affine Weyl groups of rank 2, International Mathematics Research Notices, article id rnp243 (2010), 41 pages.

5. Guilhot J
Jeremie Guilhot: Generalized induction of Kazhdan-Lusztig cells, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 59 (2009), no. 4, 1385–1412. MR2566965

Number of matches: 5