


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Gérardin P

1. Gérardin P, Lai KF
P Gérardin, K F Lai: Asymptotic behaviour of eigenfunctions on semi-homogeneous tree, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 196 (2000), no. 2, 415–427. 2001m:31020

2. Gérardin P, Lai KF
Paul Gérardin and K F Lai: Asymptotic behavior of eigenfunctions for the Hecke algebra on homogeneous trees, Special Functions: Proceedings of the international workshop, International Workshop on Special Functions- Asymptotics, Harmonic Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Charles Dunkl, Mourad Ismail, Roderick Wong (eds.), Special functions, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, (2000), 114–117. ISBN 981-02-4393-6. 2001m:31020

3. Gérardin P, Lai KF
P. Gérardin, K.F. Lai: Opérateurs invariants sur les immeubles affines de type \(A\), Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 329 (1999), 1–4. 2000i:20048

Number of matches: 3