


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Fackerell ED, Hartley D
Edward D Fackerell and David Hartley: On Waylen's regular axisymmetric similarity solutions, General Relativity and Gravitation, 32 (2000), 857–864. 2001g:83037

2. Kuchel PW, Fackerell ED
Philip W Kuchel and Edward D Fackerell: Parametric-equation representation of biconcave erythrocytes, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 61 (1999), 209–220.

3. Langton B, Fackerell ED
Ben Langton and Edward Fackerell: Similarity reductions of the field equations for stationary axisymmetric rigidly rotating perfect fluids, The Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Robert T Jantzen, G. Mac Keiser (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, (1996), 420–421. ISBN 9810220642.

4. Fraser WB, Fackerell ED
W.B. Fraser and E.D. Fackerell: Modelling optical fibre cable, Proceedings of MISG96, Mathematics-in-industry Study Group 1996, John Hewitt (ed.), MISG, Melbourne, (1996), 92–102. ISBN 0 646 28979 9.

5. Fackerell ED
Edward D. Fackerell: Remarks on the Yilmaz and Alley papers, Proceedings of the First Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, (1996), 117–131. ISBN 0 86396 430 3.

6. Fackerell ED, Harley D, Tucker RW
Fackerell ED, Harley D, Tucker RW: An Obstruction to the integrability of a Class of Non-linear Wave Equations by 1-Stable Cartan Characteristics, Journal of Differential Equations, 115 (1995), 153–165. 95m:58005

7. Langton B, Fackerell ED
Langton B, Fackerell ED: Similarity reductions of the field equations for stationary axisymmetric rigidly rotating perfect fluids, Proceedings of the Seventh Grossman Conference on Recent Developments in General Relativity, 7th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Stanford University (USA), 1994, (1994),

8. Fackerell ED, Durrant CJ
Fackerell ED, Durrant CJ: Lagrangian Dynamics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, (1994),

9. Suffern KG, Fackerell ED
Suffern KG, Fackerell ED: Interval methods in computer graphics, Computers and Graphics, 15 (1991), 331–340.

10. Fackerell ED, Kerr RP
Fackerell ED, Kerr RP: Einstein vacuum field equations with a single non-null Killing vector, General Relativity and Gravitation, 23 (1991), 861–876. 92f:83016

11. Suffern KG, Fackerell ED
Suffern KG, Fackerell ED: Interval methods in computer graphics, Proc. AUSGRAPH 90, Gigante M (ed.), Aust. Comp. Graphics Assoc. Inc., Melbourne, (1990), 35–44.

12. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: Einstein vacuum field equations with a single non-null Killing vector, (Seminar presented to Phys. Dept. Uni. of Utah, Utah, USA) (1990),

13. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: Ricci collineations and new potentials for vacuum spacetimes with one Killing vector, 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado July 1989, (1989),

14. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: Einstein vacuum field equations with a single non-null Killing vector, (Seminar presented to Phys. Dept. Brigham Young Uni. Utah, USA) (1989),

15. Barratt C, Fackerell ED, Rosenfeld D
Barratt C, Fackerell ED, Rosenfeld D: The application of spinors to solving the Bloch equations, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 85 (1989), 35–41.

16. Fackerell ED, Kersten PHM
Fackerell ED, Kersten PHM: Vacuum Einstein fields with a single non-null Killing vector, Proceedings of the fifth Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity, Blair DG, Buckingham MJ (eds.), World Scientific, (1989), 515–519. MR1056911

17. McCaskill JS, Fackerell ED
McCaskill JS, Fackerell ED: Painlevé solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for a cylindrical poly-electrolyte in excess salt solution, Journal of the Chemical Society F2, 84 (1988), 161–179.

18. Kuchel PW, Bulliman BT, Fackerell ED
Kuchel PW, Bulliman BT, Fackerell ED: Bi-cyclide and flat-ring coordinate surfaces: correction of two expressions, Mathematics of Computation, 49 (1987), 607–613. 88m:33002

19. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: Isovectors and prolongation structures by Vessiot's vector field formulation of partial differential equations in Geometric aspects of the Einstein equations and integrable systems, Martini R (ed.), Lecture Notes in Physics, 239 Springer-Verlag, (1985), 303–321. MR0828051

20. Suffern KG, Fackerell ED, Cosgrove CM
Suffern KG, Fackerell ED, Cosgrove CM: Eigenvalues of the Chandrasekhar-Page angular functions, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 24 (1983), 1350–1358. 85b:83038

21. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: Techniques for linearized perturbations of Kerr-Newman black holes, Proceedings of the Second Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Ruffini R (ed.), North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, (1982), 613–634. MR0678973

22. Crossman RG, Fackerell ED
Crossman RG, Fackerell ED: Electrovac perturbations of rotating black holes, Gravitational Radiation, Collapsed Objects and Exact Solutions, Edwards C (ed.), Lecture Notes Physics, 124 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1980), 311–328.

23. Fackerell ED, Crossman RG
Fackerell ED, Crossman RG: Spin--weighted spheroidal functions, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 18 (1977), 1849–1854. 55:13988

24. Fackerell ED, Suffern KG
Fackerell ED, Suffern KG: The structure and dynamic instability of isothermal relativistic star clusters, Australian Journal of Physics, 29 (1976), 311–328.

25. Suffern KG, Fackerell ED
Suffern KG, Fackerell ED: The dynamic instability of isothermal relativistic star clusters, Astrophysical Journal, 203 (1976), 477–480.

26. Littler RA, Fackerell ED
Littler RA, Fackerell ED: Transition densities for neutral multi-allele diffusion models, Biometrics, 31 (1975), 117–123. 51:5063

27. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: The concentric shell method for relativistic star clusters, The Dynamics of Stellar Systems, Hayli A (ed.), D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, (1975), 433–439.

28. Lun A W-C, Fackerell ED
Lun A W-C, Fackerell ED: A master equation for perturbations to the Schwarzschild geometry, Il Nuovo Cimento, 9 (1974), 599–602.

29. Fackerell ED, Littler RA
Fackerell ED, Littler RA: Polynomials biorthogonal to Appell's polynomials, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 11 (1974), 181–195. 51:960

30. Brill DR, Chrzanowski PL, Pereira CM, Fackerell ED, Ipser JR
Brill DR, Chrzanowski PL, Pereira CM, Fackerell ED, Ipser JR: Solution of the scalar wave equation in a Kerr background by separation of variables, Physical Review. D, 5 (1972), 1913–1915. 52:7441

31. Fackerell ED, Ipser JR
Fackerell ED, Ipser JR: Weak electromagnetic fields around a rotating black hole, Physical Review. D, 5 (1972), 2455–2458.

32. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: Solutions of Zerilli's equation for even-parity gravitational perturbations, Astrophysical Journal, 166 (1971), 197–206.

33. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: Relativistic, spherically symmetric star clusters. IV, Astrophysical Journal, 160 (1970), 859–874. 44:5076

34. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: Stability of Newtonian star clusters, Astrophysical Journal, 162 (1970), 1053–1054.

35. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: Relativistic, spherically symmetric star clusters. V, Astrophysical Journal, 165 (1970), 489–493.

36. Fackerell ED, Ipser JR, Thorne KS
Fackerell ED, Ipser JR, Thorne KS: Relativistic star clusters, Communications on Astrophysics and Space Science, 1 (1969), 134–139.

37. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: Relativistic stellar dynamics in rotating axially symmetric systems, Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 1 (1968), 86–87.

38. Fackerell ED
Fackerell ED: Relativistic stellar dynamics, Astrophysical Journal, 153 (1968), 643–660.

Number of matches: 38