


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Donati JF

1. Brown SF, Donati JF
Brown SF, Donati JF: Mapping magnetic fields on rapidly rotating stars, Surface Inhomogeneities on Late-Type Stars, Byrne, Mullen (eds.), (1992), 139–141.

2. Brown SF, Donati JF, Semel M, Rees DE, Dempsey RC, Matthews JM, Henry GW, Hall DS
Brown SF, Donati JF, Semel M, Rees DE, Dempsey RC, Matthews JM, Henry GW, Hall DS: Photospheric imaging of the RS CVn system HR 1099, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 265 (1992), 682–700.

3. Brown SF, Donati JF, Rees DE, Semel M
Brown SF, Donati JF, Rees DE, Semel M: Zeeman-Doppler imaging of solar-type and Ap stars. IV: Maximum entropy reconstruction of 2D magnetic topologies, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 250 (1991), 463–474.

4. Donati JF, Semel M, Rees DE, Taylor K, Robinson RD
Donati JF, Semel M, Rees DE, Taylor K, Robinson RD: Detection of a magnetic region on HR 1099, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 232 (1990), L1–L4.

Number of matches: 4