


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Cowan R, Weiss V
Richard Cowan, Viola Weiss: Line segments which are unions of tessellation edges, Image Analysis and Stereology, 37 (2018), no. 1, 83–98.

2. Burridge J, Cowan R
James Burridge and Richard Cowan: Planar tessellations that have the half-Gilbert structure, Advances in Applied Probability, 48 (2016), no. 2, 574–584. MR3511776

3. Cowan R, Weiss V
Richard Cowan and Viola Weiss: Constraints on the fundamental topological parameters of spatial tessellations, Mathematische Nachrichten, 288 (2015), no. 5-6, 540–565.

4. Cowan R, Thale C
R Cowan and C Thale: The character of planar tessellations which are not side-to-side, Image Analysis and Stereology, 33 (2014), no. 1, 39–54.

5. Cowan R
Richard Cowan: Line segments in the isotropic planar STIT tessellation, Advances in Applied Probability, 45 (2013), no. 2, 295–311.

6. Burridge J, Cowan R, Ma I
James Burridge, Richard Cowan and Isaac Ma: Full- and half-Gilbert tessellations with rectangular cells, Advances in Applied Probability, 45 (2013), no. 1, 1–19. MR3077538

7. Weiss V, Cowan R
Viola Weiss and Richard Cowan: Topological Relationships in Spatial Tessellations, Advances in Applied Probability, 43 (2011), 963–984.

8. Cowan R
Richard Cowan: Recurrence Relationships for the Mean Number of Faces and Vertices for Random Convex Hulls, Discrete Computational Geometry, 43 (2010), 209–220. MR2579692

9. Cowan R
Richard Cowan: New classes of random tessellations arising from iterative division of cells, Advanced Applied Probability, 42 (2010), 26–47. MR2666917

10. Cowan R
Richard Cowan: Letter to the Editor: Convex hulls on a hemisphere, Advanced Applied Probability, 41 (2009), 1002–1004.

11. Cowan R
Richard Cowan: Recurrence Relationships for the Mean Number of Faces and Vertices for Random Convex Hulls, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 42 (2008), no. Online, Online. MR2453836

12. Cowan R
Richard Cowan: Identities linking volumes of convex hulls, Advances in Applied Probability, 39 (2007), no. 3, 630–640.

13. Cowan R
Richard Cowan: A more comprehensive complementary theorem for the analysis of Poisson point processes, Advances in Applied Probability, 38 (2006), 581–601. MR2256870

14. Cowan R, Chiu SN
Richard Cowan, S N Chiu: Extension of Deltheil's study on random points ina convex quadrilateral, Advances in Applied Probability, 37 (2005), 857–858. MR2156564

15. Cowan R
Richard Cowan: A mosaic of triangular cells formed with sequential splitting rules, Journal of Applied Probability, 41A (2004), 3–15. MR2057561

16. Cowan R
Richard Cowan: Stochastic models for DNA replication, Handbook of Statistics, Stochastic processes: modelling and simulation, North-Holland, Amsterdam, (2003), 137–166. ISBN 0444500782. MR1973543

17. Cowan R, Quine MP, Zuyev S
Richard Cowan, Malcolm Quine and Sergei Zuyev: Decomposition of gamma-distributed domains constructed from Poisson point processes, Advances in Applied Probability, 35 (2003), 56–69. 2004b:60119

18. Cowan R
Cowan Richard: A new discrete distribution arising in a model of DNA replication, Journal of Applied Probability, 38 (2001), 754–760. 2002g:60015

19. Chong KS, Cowan R, Holst L
K S Chong, Richard Cowan and Lars Holst: The ruin problem and cover times of asymetric random walks and Brownian motions, Advances in Applied Probability, 32 (2000), no. 1, 177–192. 2001g:60193

20. Cowan R, Chen FKC
Richard Cowan, Francis K C Chen: Four interesting problems concerning Markovian shape sequences, Advances in Applied Probability, 31 (1999), 954–968. 2000m:60009

21. Chen FKC, Cowan R
Francis K C Chen, Richard Cowan: Invariant distributions for shapes in sequences of randomly-divided rectangles, Advances in Applied Probability, 31 (1999), 1–14. 2000d:60020

Number of matches: 21