


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Clutterbuck J

1. Andrews B, Clutterbuck J, Hauer D
Ben Andrews, Julie Clutterbuck, and Daniel Hauer: The fundamental gap for a one-dimensional Schrödinger operator with Robin boundary conditions, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 149 (2021), no. 4, 1481–1493.

2. Andrews B, Clutterbuck J, Hauer D
Ben Andrews, Julie Clutterbuck and Daniel Hauer: Non-concavity of the Robin ground state, Cambridge Journal of Mathematics, 8 (2020), no. 2, 243–310. MR4091026

3. Andrews B, Clutterbuck J, Hauer D
Ben Andrews, Julie Clutterbuck, Daniel Hauer: The fundamental gap for a one-dimensional Schrödinger operator with Robin boundary conditions, (2020), preprint.

4. Andrews B, Clutterbuck J, Hauer D
Ben Andrews, Julie Clutterbuck, Daniel Hauer: Non-concavity of the Robin ground state, (2018), preprint.

Number of matches: 4