


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Chen JT

1. Chen JT, Seneta E
John T Chen, Eugene Seneta: A Frechet-Optimal strengthening of the Dawson-Sankoff lower bound, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 8 (2006), 255–264. MR2324874

2. Seneta E, Chen JT
Eugene Seneta, John T Chen: A generator for explicit univariate lower bounds, Statistics and Probability Letters, 75 (2005), 256–266. MR2212357

3. Seneta E, Chen JT
Eugene Seneta and John T Chen: Simple stepwise tests of hypotheses and multiple comparisons, International Statistical Review, 73 (2005), 21–34.

4. Seneta E, Chen JT
Eugene Seneta, John Tuhao Chen: On explicit and Frechet-optimal lower bounds, Journal of Applied Probability, 39 (2002), 81–90. 2003c:60038

5. Seneta E, Chen JT
E Seneta, John T Chen: Multivariate Sobel-Uppuluri-Galambos-type bounds, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 52 (2000), no. 9, 1283–1293. 2002d:60012

6. Chen JT, Seneta E
John T Chen, Eugene Seneta: A stepwise rejective test procedure with strong control of familywise error rate, ISI 99, ISI 99, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Edita Ltd, Helsinki, Finland, (1999), 241–242. ISBN 90-73592-16-X.

Number of matches: 6