


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Henderson J, Britton S
Jennifer Henderson and Sandra Britton: Issues and trends: a review of Delta conference papers from 1997 to 2011, Shining through the fog - Proceedings of The 9th Delta Conference of teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics, The 9th Delta Conference of teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics and statistics, Deborah King, Birgit Loch, Leanne Rylands (eds.), Delta, International Delta Steering Committee, Melbourne, Australia, (2013), 50–58. ISBN 978-1-74108-289-0.

2. Britton S, Henderson J
Sandra Britton, Jenny Henderson: Teaching and Learning Proof-Writing in Linear Algebra, Proceedings of Volcanic Delta 2011, Volcanic Delta 2011: The Eighth Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, John Hannah and Mike Thomas (eds.), University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, (2011), 22–32. ISBN 978-0-473-20019-0.

3. O'Byrne JW, Britton S, George A, Franklin S, Frey A
O'Byrne JW, Britton S, George A, Franklin S, Frey A: Using academic predictors to identify first year science students at risk of failing, CAL-laborate International, 17 (2009), no. 1, 15 – 25.

4. Roberts AL, Sharma MD, Britton S, New PB
Roberts AL, Sharma MD, Britton S, New PB: Identification and Use of Theoretical Frameworks for a Qualitative Understanding of Mathematics Transfer, CAL-laborate International, 17 (2009), no. 1, 1 – 14.

5. Britton S, Henderson J
Sandra Britton, Jenny Henderson: Linear algebra revisited: an attempt to understand students' conceptual difficulties, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40 (2009), no. 7, 963–974.

6. Britton S, Henderson J
Sandra Britton and Jenny Henderson: Student Expectation and Usage of On-Line Quizzes in First Year Undergraduate Mathematics Courses., Proceedings of the ICME 11 conference, 11th International Conference on Mathematical Education (ICME 11), Ansie Harding (ed.), Topic Study Group 5, ICME 11,, (2008), 1–9.

7. Britton S, Daners D, Stewart M
Sandra Britton, Daniel Daners and Michael Stewart: A self-assessment test for incoming students, International journal of mathematical education in science and technology, 38 (2007), no. 7, 861–868.

8. Britton S, New PB, Roberts AL, Sharma MD
Sandra Britton, Peter New, Andrew Roberts and Manjula Sharma: Investigating students' ability to transfer mathematics, Transforming a University. The scholarship of teaching and learning in practice., Sydney University Press, Sydney Australia, (2007), 127–140. ISBN 978-920898-28-1.

9. Roberts AL, Sharma MD, Britton S, New PB
A.L.Roberts, M.D.Sharma, S.Britton, P.B.New: An index to measure the ability of first year science students to transfer mathematics, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 38 (2007), no. 4, 429–448.

10. O'Byrne JW, Britton S, Franklin S, Frey A, George A
John O'Byrne, Sandra Britton, Sue Franklin, Alistair Frey, Adrian George: Identifying first year science students at risk, Herdsa conference 2005: higher education in a changing world, Herdsa conference 2005: higher education in a changing world, Institue for teaching and learning, University of Sydney (eds.), Institue for teaching and learning, University of Sydney, Sydney Australia, (2005), 280. ISBN 0 908557 64 7.

11. Roberts AL, New PB, Sharma MD, Britton S
Andrew Roberts, Peter New, Manjula Sharma, Sandra Britton: New teaching for new students in a new context: pushing the boundaries in first year science, Herdsa conference 2005: higher education in a changing world, Herdsa conference 2005: higher education in a changing world, Institue for teaching and learning, University of Sydney (eds.), Institue for Teaching and Learning, University of Sydney, Sydney Australia, (2005), 279. ISBN 0 908557 64 7.

12. Roberts AL, Sharma MD, Britton S, New PB
A.L.Roberts, M.D.Sharma, S.Britton, P.B.New: Mathematics Transfer of First Year Science Students, Proceedings of the 16th Australian Institute of Physics Congress 2005, Australian Institute of Physics 16th Biennial Congress 2005, Max Colla (ed.), Australian Institute of Physics, Canberra Australia, (2005), 140–144. ISBN 0-9598064-8-2.

13. Britton S, New PB, Sharma MD, Yardley D
S.Britton, P.B.New, M.D.Sharma, D.Yardley: A case study of the transfer of mathematics skills by university students, International Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology, 36 (2005), no. 1, 1–13.

14. Henderson J, Britton S
Jenny Henderson and Sandra Britton: Is there such a thing as a perfect mathematics tutorial?, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 32 (2003), 107–115.

15. Sharma MD, Britton S, New PB, Yardley D
Manjula Sharma, Sandra Britton, Peter New, David Yardley: On the transfer of mathematical skills, Announcer, 127th AAPT National Meeting, Bernard V Khoury (ed.), Vol 33, no 2, American Association of Physics Teachers, USA, (2003), 97.

16. Britton S, Coleman CE, Ivers DJ, James RW, Macaskill C
Britton S., Coleman C.E., Ivers D.J., James R.W. and Macaskill C.: Using AcroTeX to provide a structured learning environment for mathematics, Remarkable Delta:03 Communications, Fourth Southern Hemisphere Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning, Derek Holton and Ivan Reilly (eds.), International Delta Steering Committee, New Zealand, (2003), 58–63. ISBN 0 476 00046 7.

17. Britton S
Sandra Britton: Are students able to transfer mathematical knowledge?, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics, 2nd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics, Michael Boezi (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, New York, (2002), ISBN 0 471 46332 9. MR2044244

18. Sharma MD, Britton S, Brew A, New PB
Manjula D Sharma, Sandra Britton, Angela Brew & Peter New: Transferring mathematical skills into Physics, AAPT Focuses on the Science of Light, 123rd AAPT National Meeting, Announcer, American Association of Physics Teachers, Rochester, (2001), 72.

19. Sharma MD, Brew A, New PB, Britton S
Manjula D Sharma, Angela Brew, Peter New and Sandra Britton: Do students in the Faculty of Science transfer mathematical skills between subject areas?, Showcase of Scholarly Inquiry in Teaching and Learning, The Vice-Chancellor's Showcase of Scholarly Inquiry in Teaching and Learning, The Institute for Teaching and Learning, Sydney, (2001), 36. ISBN 1 86487 418 X.

20. New PB, Britton S, Sharma MD, Brew A
Peter New, Sandra Britton, Manjula Sharma, Angela Brew: Researching the transferability of mathematical skills, Proceedings of research and development into university science teaching and learning workshop, Research and Development into University Science Teaching and Learning, Anne Fernandez (ed.), Uniserve Science, Uniserve Science, The University of Sydney, (2001), 53–57. ISBN 1 86487 411 2.

21. Britton S
Sandra Britton: Cascades, fountains and showers (The mathematics of juggling), Proceedings of the Mathematics 2000 Festival, Mathematics 2000 festival, Michael Bulmer, Barry McCrae, Kaye Stacey (eds.), Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc., Adelaide, (2000), 9–14. ISBN 1 875900 40 3.

22. Britton S, Coleman CE, Henderson J
S C Britton, C E Coleman, J Henderson: The little blue book, Definitions, formulas and techniques from first year mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney, Sydney, (1999), 101. ISBN 1 86487 028 1.

23. Britton S, Henderson J
Sandra Britton and Jenny Henderson: The Little Blue Book, The Challenge of Diversity, 99' Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics, Walter Spundle, Patricia Cretchley, Ruth Hubbard (eds.), Proceedings of the 99' Symposium on Undergraduate Mathematics, 99' Committee, Rockhampton, Queensland, (1999), 43–46. ISBN 0 646 38371 X.

24. Britton S
Sandra Britton: Even more on Simpson's rule, Reflections, 20 (1995), 99–99.

25. Britton S
Britton S: Graphics calculators in undergraduate mathematics teaching, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia, 1 (1994), 121.

26. Britton S
Britton S: Introduction to Analysis, (1994), 118.

27. Britton S
Britton S: G.P.M. Notes, 2nd and 3rd Term Calculus, (1989),

Number of matches: 27