


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Berrick AJ, Hillman JA
A J Berrick and J A Hillman: Whitehead's asphericity question and its relation to other open problems, Algebraic Topology and Related Topics, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Singapore, (2019), 27–49. ISBN 978-981-13-5741-1 (print), 978-981-13-5742-8 (online). MR3991175

2. Berrick AJ, Hillman JA
A.J.Berrick and J.A.Hillman: The Whitehead conjecture and \(L^2\)-Betti numbers, Guido's Book of Conjectures, Monographies de L'Enseignement Mathématique, L'Enseignement Mathé matique, (2008), 35–37.

3. Berrick AJ, Hillman JA
A.J.Berrick and J.A.Hillman: Perfect and acyclic subgroups of finitely presentable groups, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 68 (2003), 683–698. MR2009444

Number of matches: 3