


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Balasuriya S, Gottwald GA
Sanjeeva Balasuriya and Georg A. Gottwald: Estimating stable and unstable sets and their role as transport barriers in stochastic flows, Physical Review E, 98 (2018), 013106.

2. Balasuriya S, Gottwald GA
S. Balasuriya and G.A. Gottwald: Wavespeed in reaction-diffusion systems, with applications to chemotaxis and population pressure, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 61 (2010), 377–399. MR2660037

3. Balasuriya S, Gottwald GA, Hornibrook J, Lafortune S
Sanjeeva Balasuriya, Georg Gottwald, John Hornibrook and Stéphane Lafortune: High Lewis number combustion wavefronts: a perturbative Melnikov analysis, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 67 (2007), no. 2, 464–486. MR2285873

4. Hornibrook J, Balasuriya S, Lafortune S
John Hornibrook, Sanjeeva Balasuriya and Stephane Lafortune: High Lewis number combustion wavefronts, (2005), preprint.

5. Balasuriya S
S Balasuriya: An approach for maximizing chaotic mixing in microfluidic devices, Physics of Fluids, 17 (2005), 118103. MR2193307

6. Balasuriya S
S. Balasuriya: Direct chaotic flux quantification in perturbed planar flows: general time-periodicity, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 4 (2005), 282–311. MR2173537

7. Balasuriya S
S. Balasuriya: Optimal perturbation for enhanced chaotic transport, Physica D, 202 (2005), 155–176. MR2132385

8. Balasuriya S
Balasuriya, S: An analytical study of general hyper-diffusivity and barotropic eddies, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 98 (2004), 39–62. MR2045869

9. Balasuriya S, Mezic I, Jones CKRT
Balasuriya S, Mezic I and Jones CKRT: Weak finite-time Melnikov theory and 3-D viscous perturbations of Euler flows, Physica D, 176 (2003), 82–106. MR1957426

10. Balasuriya S, Jones CKRT
Balasuriya S and Jones C K R T: Diffusive draining and growth of eddies, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 8 (2001), 241–251.

11. Balasuriya S
Balasuriya S: Gradient evolution for potential vorticity flows, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 8 (2001), 253–263.

12. Sandstede B, Balasuriya S, Jones CKRT, Miller PD
Sandstede B, Balasuriya S, Jones C K R T, Miller P: Melnikov theory for finite-time vector fields, Nonlinearity, 13 (2000), 1357–1377. 2001h:37046

13. Balasuriya S
Balasuriya S: Lifetime and illness in almost deterministic maps, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 235 (1999), 274–294. MR1758683

14. Balasuriya S
Balasuriya S: Planar Coordinate Geometry, Sampath printing industries, Kadugannawa, Sri Lanka, (1998), 143. ISBN 955-96996-0-X.

15. Balasuriya S, Jones CKRT, Sandstede B
Balasuriya S, Jones C K R T and Sandstede B: Viscous perturbations of vorticity-conserving flows and separatrix splitting, Nonlinearity, 11 (1998), 47–77. MR1492950

16. Balasuriya S
Balasuriya S: Vanishing viscosity in the barotropic beta-plane, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 214 (1997), 128–150. MR1645523

Number of matches: 16