


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

  • Author = Aurnou JM

1. Julien K, Aurnou JM, Calkins MA, Knobloch E, Marti P, Stellmach S, Vasil GM
Keith Julien, Jonathan M Aurnou, Michael A Calkins, Edgar Knobloch, Philippe Marti, Stephan Stellmach and Geoffrey M Vasil: A nonlinear model for rotationally constrained convection with Ekman pumping, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 798 (2016), 50–87. MR3506444

2. Stellmach S, Lischper M, Julien K, Vasil GM, Cheng JS, Ribeiro A, King EM, Aurnou JM
S Stellmach, M Lischper, K Julien, G Vasil, J S Cheng, A Ribeiro, E M King, and J M Aurnou: Approaching the Asymptotic Regime of Rapidly Rotating Convection: Boundary Layers versus Interior Dynamics, Physical Review Letters, 113 (2014), no. 25, Art. 254501.

Number of matches: 2