


Publication Search Results

Exact matches for:

1. Aksamit A, Li L, Rutkowski M
Anna Aksamit, Libo Li, Marek Rutkowski: Generalized BSDE and reflected BSDE with random time horizon, Electronic Journal of Probability, 28, Open Access (2023), Article 40 (1–41).

2. Aksamit A, Choulli T, Jeanblanc M
Anna Aksamit, Tahir Choulli, Monique Jeanblanc: Thin times and random times' decomposition, Electronic Journal of Probability, 26 (Open Access) (2021), no. Paper No. 31, 22 pages.

3. Aksamit A, Hou Z, Obłój J
Anna Aksamit, Zhaoxu Hou and Jan Obłój: Robust Framework for Quantifying the Value of Information in Pricing and Hedging, SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 11 (2020), no. 1, 27–59.

4. Aksamit A, Fontana C
Anna Aksamit and Claudio Fontana: Martingale spaces and representations under absolutely continuous changes of probability, Electronic Communications in Probability, 24 (2019), no. 62, 1–13. MR4017136

5. Aksamit A, Deng S, Obłój J, Tan X
Anna Aksamit, Shuoqing Deng, Jan Obłój, Xiaolu Tan: The robust pricing–hedging duality for American options in discrete time financial markets, Mathematical Finance, 29 (2019), no. 3, 861–897.

6. Aksamit A, Jeanblanc M, Rutkowski M
Anna Aksamit, Monique Jeanblanc, Marek Rutkowski: Integral representations of martingales for progressive enlargements of filtrations, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 129 (2019), no. 4, 1229–1258. MR3926554

Number of matches: 6