Benedict Lama
MMathSci Student
School of Mathematics and Statistics Email: [email protected]
Supervisor: B Goldys
Teaching timetable: 2024 Semester 2
Last revised 13/11/24
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
8am |
MATH1062 Tutorial 350 (Wks 10-13) |
9am |
MATH2023 Tutorial 356 (Wks 2-13) |
10am |
MATH1062 Tutorial 452 (Wks 2-8,10,12-13) |
noon |
MATH2023 Tutorial SNH3001 (Wks 2-13) |
1pm |
MATH2023 Tutorial 451 (Week 6) |
2pm |
MATH1962 Tutorial E Av405 (Week 11) |
3pm |
MATH1062 Tutorial 452 (Wks 2-13) |
4pm |
MATH1062 Tutorial 451 (Week 3) |
5pm |
MATH1062 Tutorial SNH4001 (Wks 2-8,10,12-13) |
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