My research focuses on probability theory and its applications in machine learning and deep learning.
- Large gaps of CUE and GUE (with D.Wei)
Annals of Probability, to appear, 2025+.
- Critical radii and suprema of random waves over Riemannian manifolds (with D. Yao and R. Adler)
arXiv:2501.10798, submitted, 2025.
- Smallest gaps between zeros of stationary Gaussian processes (with D. Yao and F. Götze)
Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 287, Issue 4, 15 August 2024, 110493.
- Smallest distances between zeros of Gaussian analytic functions (with D. Yao)
submitted, 2024.
Small gaps of GSE (with J. Li and D. Yao)
arXiv:2409.03324, submitted.
Determinantal point processes on spheres: multivariate linear statistics (with F. Götze and D. Yao)
submitted, arXiv:2301.09216, 2023.
- U-statistics of infinite Ginibre ensemble and Wiener chaos (with D. Yao)
Principal minors of Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (with G. Tian, D. Wei, and D. Yao)
arXiv:2205.05732, submitted.
The Berry-Esseen theorem for circular β-ensemble (with G. Tian and D. Wei)
Annals of Applied Probability, 33(6B): 5050-5070 (2023).
Small gaps of circular β-ensemble (with D. Wei)
Annals of Probability, 49(2): 997-1032 (2021).
Small gaps of GOE (with G. Tian and D. Wei)
GAFA, 29 (2019), no. 6, 1794-1827.
Spectrum of SYK model (with G. Tian and D. Wei)
Peking Mathematical Journal, 2, 41-70 (2019).
Spectrum of SYK model II: Central limit theorem (with G. Tian and D. Wei)
Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 10(04), 2150037 (2021).
Spectrum of SYK model III: Large deviations and concentration of measures (with G. Tian and D. Wei)
Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 09(02), 2050001 (2020).
Zeros of repeated derivatives of random polynomials (with D. Yao)
Analysis & PDE, 12(6), 1489-1512, 2019.
Critical radius and supremum of random spherical harmonics (with R. Adler)
Annals of Probability, 47(2), 1162-1184 (2019).
Correlations between zeros and critical points of random analytic functions
Transactions of the AMS, 371(8), 5247-5265 (2019).
Critical radius and supremum of random spherical harmonics II (with X. Xu and R. Adler)
Electronic Communications in Probability, 23, paper no. 50, 11 pp. (2018).
Conditional expectations of random holomorphic fields on Riemann surfaces
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2017(14), 4406-4434.
- Critical values of Gaussian SU(2) random polynomials (with Z. Wang)
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 144, No. 2 (February 2016), pp. 487-502.
Critical values of random analytic functions on complex manifolds (with S. Zelditch)
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 63(3), 651-686 (2014).
Addendum to "Critical Values of Random Analytic Functions on Complex Manifolds" (with S. Zelditch)
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol. 66, No.1 (2017),pp.23-29.
Median and mean of the Supremum of L2 normalized random holomorphic fields
(with S. Zelditch)
Journal of Functional Analysis, 266(8), 5085-5107 (2014).
Random Riesz energies on compact Kähler manifolds (with S. Zelditch)
Transactions of the AMS, 365(10), 5579-5604 (2013).
Large deviations for zeros of P(φ)_2 random polynomials (with S. Zelditch)
Journal of Statistical Physics, 143, 619-635 (2011).
Bergman metrics and geodesics in the space of Kähler metrics on principally polarized abelian varieties
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 11(1), 1-25 (2012).
The global existence and convergence of the Calabi flow on ℂn/ ℤn+iℤn (with H. Huang)
Journal of Functional Analysis, 263(4), 1129-1146 (2012).
Szasz analytic functions and noncompact Kähler toric manifolds
Journal of Geometric Analysis, 22 (1), 107-131 (2012).
Periodic solutions of Abreu's equation (with G. Szekelyhidi)
Mathematical Research Letters, 18(6), 1271-1279 (2011).
- Extreme gap problems in random matrix theory
Surveys in Geometric Analysis Volume 3, 2019 (2024):19.
- Zeros and Critical Points of Random Fields
PhD thesis, Northwestern University, 2012.
PPT for U-statistics of DPPs
In this PPT, I will present my recent work with D. Yao
on the U-statistics of the determinantal point processes (DPPs). I studied this problem with D.Yao since 2022 on the U-statistics of infinite Ginibre ensemble, which seems a much easier model to work with, but it's not. Our original motivation is to study its random topology inspired by the research on that of Poisson point process conducted by research group of R. Adler - one of my coauthors, where we found the study of its U-statistics is a must. Our first contribution in 2022 is to derive a graph representation for the cumulants of
U-statistics of any DPPs, which generalizes Soshnikov's formula on the linear statistics of DPPs.
Based on this new graph formula, we derived the first 2 orders of U-statistics for the infinite Ginibre ensemble. The 1st order is the Gaussian limit; when it's degenerate, the 2nd order is a mixture of chi-squared distribution and Gaussian.
In 2023, we studied another model with F. Götze, based on the graph representation again, we discovered that the complete Wiener chaos exists for the spherical case associated with the spectral projection kernel with respect to the Laplace operator. This model seems quite complicated but the main result is much better. When considering the higher order degeneration of the U-statistics, the leading order terms of the cumulants are given by the so-called complete paring graphs in exactly the same pattern as the i.i.d. case. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result demonstrating the existence of complete Wiener chaos for DPPs.
U-statistics of determinantal point processes and Wiener chaos.
Seminar and Conference Talks since 2020
- U-statistics for determinantal point processes
Special session on Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Joint NZMS, AustMS and AMS meeting, Auckland, New Zealand, Dec 2024.
- Extreme gap problems for classical random matrices
Special session on Integrable Systems, Joint NZMS, AustMS and AMS meeting, Auckland, New Zealand, Dec 2024.
- Gaussian random matrices, orthogonal polynomials, and skew-orthogonal polynomials
Informal Friday Seminar, University of Sydney, Nov 2024.
A quick introduction to random matrices and extreme gap problems
The Australian National University, June, 2024.
Determinantal point processes on spheres: Multivariate linear statistics
Stochastic processes seminar, The University of Melbourne, March, 2024.
Extreme spacings for classical random matrices
Random matrix theory group seminar, The University of Melbourne, March, 2024.
A graphical formula for cumulants of multivariate linear statistics of determinantal point processes
Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 67th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Dec, 2023.
Determinantal point processes on spheres: Multivariate linear statistics
Applied Maths Seminar, The University of Sydney, Oct, 2023.
A quick introduction to random matrices and extreme gap problems
SMRI seminar, The University of Sydney, Sep, 2023.
Determinantal point processes on the sphere
Research Seminar on Probability and Geometry, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, May, 2023.
Determinantal point processes on spheres: Multivariate linear statistics
Seminar Bielefeld-Melbourne-Seoul Random Matrices (online), March, 2023.
Our recent results in random matrix theory
Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Physics, PCTS Workshop, Princeton University, USA, March 2023.
Determinantal point processes on spheres: Multivariate linear statistics
Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Feb, 2023.
Extreme gap problems and the SYK model
Lille days on Point Processes and stochastic Geometry, Université de Lille, France, Oct, 2022.
Extreme gap problems for classical random matrices
MPI-Oberseminar, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Germany, Aug, 2022.
Extreme gaps for classical random matrices and the SYK model
Seminar Mathematical Physics, Bielefeld University, Germany, March, 2022.
Extreme spacings of classical random matrices and the SYK model
Oberseminar Stochastics, University of Bonn, Germany, Jan, 2022.
Random matrices and our recent results
MATH seminar, Bilkent University (online), March, 2021.
Some recent results in random matrices
Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Oct, 2020.