Math 402: Non-Euclidean Geometry

Fall 2017

Instructor: Emily Cliff.


can be downloaded from here.


in reverse chronological order

Date due Item due
Wed. 13 December

Review class. We will look at an old exam for practice. You can also ask questions related to material on the review sheets.

Mon. 11 December

Reading. Chapter 8.2. Also there will be time for questions on any material from the course.

Fri. 8 December

Review class. Solutions to midterm 3 (and to midterms 1 and 2, if time permits).

Wed. 6 December

Midterm 3.

Mon. 4 December

Review class. Look over the review sheets before class (scroll down for the links). You will work on practice questions in groups.

Fri. 1 December

Reading. Chapter 8.2.

Fri. 1 December

Homework due. Solve these problems and turn them in.

Wed. 29 November

Reading. Chapter 8.1.

Mon. 27 November

Reading. Chapter 3.5, 7.8.

Mon. 27 November

Project due. Chapter 7.7. (You may wish to read section 6.4 on Euclidean tilings before beginning your study of hyperbolic tilings. You may also wish to do the computer constructions in Chapter 6.5---don't worry about the exercises, but the constructions might be fun.)

Fri. 16 November

Reading. Chapter 3.5.

Fri. 16 November

Homework due. Solve these problems and turn them in.

Wed. 14 November

Reading. Chapter 7.6.

Mon. 12 November

Reading for worksheet. Chapter 7.5.2, 7.6.

Mon. 12 November

Project due. Chapter 7.4.

Fri. 9 November

Homework due. Solve these problems and turn them in.

Fri. 9 November

Reading. Chapter 7.5.

Wed. 7 November

Reading for worksheet. Exercises from Chapter 7.3. (Make sure you're comfortable with the definitions and results from chapter 7.3, to prepare.)

Mon. 5 November

Reading. Chapter 7.3.2.

Fri. 3 November


Wed. 1 Nov.

Review class. Look over this review sheet before class. You will work on practice questions in groups and have the opportunity to ask questions; don't waste this opportunity!

Mon. 30 Oct.

Project 7.4 has been deferred until after the midterm. Instead, here are a few optional questions you can do to practice with limiting parallels. You do not need to hand them in, but if you want feedback on your work, hand them in by Monday.

Mon. 30 Oct.

Reading. Chapter 7.3.1, beginning of 7.3.2. Make sure you look over the review sheet before class so you can ask questions.

Fri. 27 October

Homework due. Solve these problems and turn them in.

Fri. 27 October

Reading. Chapter 7.3.1.

Wed. 25 October

Reading. Chapter 7.3.1.

Mon. 23 October

Reading. Chapter 6.2, 6.3. Handout.

Fri. 20 October

Homework due. Solve these problems and turn them in.

Fri. 20 October

Reading. Chapter 6.1, 6.2.

Wed. 18 October

Reading. Chapter 6.1.

Mon. 16 October

Reading. Chapter 5.7.

Mon. 16 Oct.

Project report due. Chapter 5.5: Follow the instructions for the constructions in Geometry Explorer, and write a summary/draw some pictures showing what you've done. Make sure to include solutions to Exercises 5.5.1--5.5.4.

Fri. 13 October

Reading. Chapters 5.2--5.6.

Fri. 13 October

Homework due. Solve these problems and turn them in. Extension: you don't need to hand HW5 in until Monday October 16.

Wed. 11 Oct.

Reading for Worksheet 7. Chapter 5.4, 5.6.

Mon. 9 Oct.

Project report due. Chapter 5.8: Follow the instructions for the constructions in Geometry Explorer, and write a summary/draw some pictures showing what you've done. Make sure to include solutions to Exercises 5.8.1--4.

Mon. 9 October

Reading for Worksheet 6. Chapter 5.3.

Fri. 6 October

Reading for Worksheet 5. Chapter 5.3, 5.4.

Fri. 6 October

Homework due. Solve these problems and turn them in.

Wed. 4 October

Reading. Chapter 5.2, 5.3.

Mon. 2 October

Reading. Chapter 5.1.

Fri. 29 Sept.

Midterm Exam 1.

Wed. 27 Sept.

Review class. Look over this review sheet before class. You will work on practice questions in groups and have the opportunity to ask questions; don't waste this opportunity!

Mon. 25 Sept.

Reading. Chapter 2.7.1. Also we may have time to go over some questions from Worksheets 1--4, so make sure you know which questions you'd like to discuss.

Mon. 25 Sept.

Project for fun/review. Do the Geometry Explorer constructions and the exercises in Project 2.3. You do not need to hand this project in, but it is a helpful review of many concepts from Euclidean geometry.

Fri. 22 September

Reading for Worksheet 4. Chapter 7.2.2.

Fri. 22 September

Homework due. Solve these problems and turn them in.

Wed. 20 September

Reading. Chapter 7.1, 7.2.1.

Mon. 18 September

Reading. Chapter 3.1, 3.2, 3.4.

Mon. 18 Sept.

Project report due. Chapter 2.7: Follow the instructions for the constructions in Geometry Explorer, and write a summary/draw some pictures showing what you've done. Make sure to include the statements of new definitions, and the solutions to Exercises 2.7.1--4.

Fri. 8 September

Reading for Worksheet 3. Chapter 2.6, 2.7.

Fri. 15 September

Homework due. Solve these problems and turn them in.

Wed. 13 September

Reading. Chapters 2.5, 2.6.

Mon. 11 September

Reading. Chapter 2.2

Mon. 11 September

Project report due. Chapter 1.7: Follow the instructions for the constructions in Geometry Explorer. Draw some pictures showing what you learned. Do exercise 1.7.1.

Fri. 8 September

Reading for Worksheet 2. Chapter 2.1, Appendix D

Fri. 8 September

Homework due. Solve these problems and turn them in.

Wed. 6 September

Reading. Chapter 1.6, Appendix A

Wed. 6 September

Project report due! Chapter 1.3: Draw some pictures showing what you learned. Do exercises 1.3.1, 1.3.2.

Fri. 1 September

Reading for Worksheet 1. Chapter 1.5

Wed. 30 August

Reading. Chapter 1.4.

Wed. 30 August

Tech. Download and install Geometry Explorer.

Mon. 28 August Reading. Preface (pages ix and x only). Chapters 1.1, 1.2.

Department of Mathematics
273 Altgeld Hall, MC-382
1409 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801 USA
Telephone: (217) 333-3350    Fax: (217) 333-9576     Email: [email protected]