Peer-reviewed articles and pre-prints
[68] |
A Vlaskin and E.G. Altmann
"Synthetic graphs for link prediction benchmarking" , J. Phys. Complex. 6 015004 (2025) or [arXiv:2412.03757]
Code: [GitHub repository]
[67] |
C. X. Liu, T. J. Alexander, and E.G. Altmann
"A generative model for community types in directed networks" , Journal of Complex Networks 13(1), cnae048 (2025) or [arXiv:2405.14168] (2024)
Code: [GitHub repository]
[66] |
C. X. Liu, T. J. Alexander, and E.G. Altmann
"Non-assortative relationships between groups of nodes are typical in complex networks" , PNAS Nexus, pgad364 (2023).
Code: [GitHub repository]
[65] |
E. G. Altmann and J. Spreer
"Sampling triangulations of manifolds using Monte Carlo methods" , [arXiv:2310.07372] (2023).
Code: [GitHub repository]
[64] |
L. Burton, H. Dullin, and E. G. Altmann
"Probabilistic description of dissipative chaotic scattering" , Phys. Rev. E 108, 054223 (2023) or [arXiv:2308.13555] (2023).
Code: [GitHub repository]
[63] |
B. Shade and E. G. Altmann
"Quantifying the Dissimilarity of Texts " , Information 14(5), 271 (2023) or [arXiv:2305.02457].
Data and Code: [GitHub repository]
[62] |
K. Arias-Calluari, T. Colin, T. Latty, M. Myerscough, E. G. Altmann
"Modelling daily weight variation in honey bee hives" , PLoS Comp Biol 19(3):e1010880 (2023) and [arXiv:2205.00219].
Data and Code: [GitHub repository]
[61] |
J. M. Moore, G. Yan, E. G Altmann
"Nonparametric Power-Law Surrogates" , Phys. Rev. X 12, 021056 (2022) and [arXiv:2205.00219].
Data and Code: [GitHub repository]
Media Coverage: Nature Reviews Physics 5, 81 (2023) and Tongji University . |
[60] |
M. Bednarek, A. S. Ross, O. Boichak, Y.J. Doran, G. Carr, E. G Altmann, and T. J. Alexander
"Winning the discursive struggle? The impact of a significant environmental crisis event on dominant climate discourses on Twitter",
Discourse, Context & Media 45, 100564 (2022).
[59] |
C. C. Hyland, Y. Tao, L. Azizi, M. Gerlach, T. P. Peixoto, and E. G. Altmann
"Multilayer Networks for Text Analysis with Multiple Data Types",
EPJ Data Science 10, 33 (2021) and [arXiv:2106.15821]. Project Webpage with code: TopSBM.
[58] |
E. G. Altmann
"Spatial interactions in urban scaling laws",
[PLOS ONE 15, e0243390 (2020)] or [arXiv:2006.14140].
Data and Code: [GitHub repository]
[57] |
G. Cristadoro, M. Degli Esposti, E. G. Altmann
"Dynamics of transposable elements generates structure and symmetries in genetic sequences",
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033477 (2020) and [arXiv:2006.12017].
[56] |
H. H. Chen, T. J. Alexander, D. F.M. Oliveira, E. G. Altmann,
"Scaling laws and dynamics of hashtags on Twitter" Chaos 30, 063112 (2020) or [arXiv:2004.12707] .
Data: [Zenodo.3673744] Code: [GitHub repository]
[55] |
M. De Domenico and E. G. Altmann "Unraveling the Origin of Social Bursts in Collective Attention" Nature Scientific Report 10, 4629 (2020) or [arXiv:1903.06588] .
Data: GitHub repository
Media Coverage: Explaining bursts of attention in Social Media , APS Physics.
[54] |
K. Clauß, E. G. Altmann, A. Bäcker, R. Ketzmerick,
"Structure of resonance eigenfunctions for chaotic systems with partial escape",
Phys. Rev. E. 100, 052205 (2019) or
[53] |
S. Wharrie, L. Azizi, and E. G. Altmann,
"Micro, Meso, Macro: the effect of triangles on communities in networks",
Phys. Rev. E 100, 022315 (2019) or
[52] |
M. Gerlach and E. G. Altmann,
"Testing statistical laws in complex systems",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 168301 (2019) or [aXiv:1904.11624].
Data and Code: [GitHub repository]
[51] |
J. C. Leitao, J. M. Viana Parente Lopes, and E. G. Altmann
"Taming chaos to sample rare events: the effect of weak chaos",
Chaos 29, 043113 (2019) or
[50] |
G. Cristadoro, M. Degli Esposti, and E. G. Altmann
"The common origin of symmetry and structure in genetic sequences",
Nature Scientific Reports 8, 15817 (2018) or
[arXiv:1710.02348] or [bioRxiv:199323].
Data and Code: Zenodo .
Media Coverage:
Univ. Bologna, Univ. of Milano-Bicocca , and Le Scienze (all in italian).
[49] |
M. Gerlach, T. P. Peixoto, and E. G. Altmann A network approach to topic models,
Sci. Adv. 4, eaaq1360 (2018) or
Project Webpage with code: TopSBM.
Media Coverage: TechXplore and Northwestern News . |
[48] |
D. Tapias, D. P. Sanders, and E. G. Altmann
"Monte Carlo sampling in diffusive dynamical systems",
Chaos 28, 053113 (2018) or
Code: GitHub .
[47] |
L. Dias, M. Gerlach, J. Scharloth, and E. G. Altmann
Using text analysis to quantify the similarity and evolution of scientific disciplines,
Royal Society Open Science 5, 171545 (2018) > or [arXiv:1706.08671].
[46] |
S. Gupta, J. C. Leitao, and E. G. Altmann
"Efficient computation of statistical properties of coupled oscillators",
Phys. Rev. E 96, 012201 (2017) or [arXiv:1705.01068].
[45] |
J. C. Leitao, J. M. Viana Parente Lopes, and E. G. Altmann
"Importance Sampling of Rare Events in Chaotic Systems",
Eur. Phys. J. B 90: 181 Colloquium (2017) or [arXiv:1701.062653].
Code: GitHub .
[44] |
J. M. Miotto, H. Kantz, E. G. Altmann,
"Stochastic dynamics and the predictability of big hits in online videos",
Phys. Rev. E 95, 032311 (2017) or [arXiv:1609.06399].
[43] |
E. G. Altmann, L. Dias, M. Gerlach
Generalized Entropies and the Similarity of Texts ,
J. Stat. Mech. 014002 (2017) or [arXiv:1611.03596].
[42] |
M. Sala, J. C. Leitao, E. G. Altmann,
"Searching chaotic saddles in high dimensions",
Chaos 26, 123124 (2016) or
[41] |
J. Sienkiewicz and E. G. Altmann,
" Impact of lexical and sentiment factors on the popularity of scientific papers",
Royal Society Open Science 3, 160140 (2016) or [arXiv:1605.07465]
Media Coverage:
Scientist: Shorter Titles Not Always Better for Citations
[40] |
J. C. Leitao, J.M. Miotto, M. Gerlach, and E. G. Altmann,
"Is this scaling nonlinear?",
Royal Society Open Science 3, 150649 (2016) or
Data and code: .
[39] |
M. Gerlach, F. Font-Clos, and E. G. Altmann,
"On the similarity of symbol-frequency distributions with heavy tails",
Phys. Rev. X 6, 021009 (2016) or
Media Coverage:
Physics Today: "Fine-tuning our view of how
language changes" .
APS-Focus: How to Compare Books or Genomes .
Ria Novotny: Mathematicians have a new look at changing languages
[38] |
R. Fischer, J. C. Leitao, T. P. Peixoto, and E. G. Altmann
" Sampling motif-constrained ensembles of networks" ,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 188701
(2015) or
[arXiv:1507.08696] .
Code: GitHub .
[37] |
G. Knight, G. Cristadoro, and E. G. Altmann
" Temporal-varying failures of nodes in networks" ,
Phys. Rev. E 92, 022810 (2015) or
[arXiv:1507.01716] .
[36] |
R. M. da Silva, C. Manchein, M. W. Beims, and E. G. Altmann
"Characterizing weak chaos using time series of Lyapunov exponents" ,
Phys. Rev. E 91, 062907 (2015) or
[arXiv:1506.04277] .
[35] |
E. G. Altmann, J. S. E. Portela, and Tamas Tel
"Chaotic explosions" ,
Europhys. Lett. 109, 30003
(2015) or
Editors' Choice in EPL.
[34] |
M. Schonwetter and E. G. Altmann
"Quantum signatures of classical multifractal
measures", Phys. Rev. E 91, 012919 (2015) or [arXiv:1501.00889] .
[33] |
J. C. Leitao, J. M. Viana Parente Lopes, and E. G. Altmann
"Efficiency of Monte Carlo Sampling in Chaotic
Systems", Phys. Rev. E. 90, 052916 (2014) or [arXiv:1407.5343].
[32] |
F. Ghanbarnejad, M. Gerlach, J. M. Miotto, and E. G. Altmann,
"Extracting information from S-curves of language
J. R. Soc. Interface 11, 20141044 (2014) or
Data and code: github
Media Coverage: Spiegel Online , Swiss Radio SRF4-News
[31] |
M. Gerlach and E. G. Altmann,
"Scaling laws and fluctuations in the statistics of
word frequencies",
New J. Physics 15, 113010 (2014) or
[30] |
J. M. Miotto and E. G. Altmann,
"Predictability of extreme events in social media" ,
PLOS ONE 9, e111506 (2014) or [aXiv:1403.3616].
Data and code: m9.figshare.1172265
[29] |
E. G. Altmann, J. S. E. Portela, and Tamas Tel
"Chaotic systems with absorption" ,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 144101 (2013)
Editors' Suggestions in
[28] |
J. C. Leitao, J. M. Viana Parente Lopes, E. G. Altmann
"Monte Carlo Sampling in Fractal Landscapes",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 220601 (2013) or [arXiv:1302.4672].
[27] |
O. Chepizhko, E. G. Altmann, F. Peruani,
"Optimal noise maximizes collective motion in heterogeneous media"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 238101 (2013) or [arXiv:1305.5707].
[26] |
E. G. Altmann, J. S. E. Portela, and Tamas Tel
"Leaking Chaotic Systems" ,
Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 869-918 (2013) or [arXiv:1208.0254].
[25] |
M. Gerlach and E. G. Altmann,
"Stochastic model for the vocabulary growth in natural languages",
Phys. Rev. X 3,
021006 (2013) or [aXiv:1212.1362].
[24] |
D. R. Amancio, E. G. Altmann, D. Rybski, O. N. Oliveira Jr., L. da Fontoura Costa
"Probing the statistical properties of unknown texts:
application to the Voynich Manuscript" ,
PLoS ONE 8, e67310 (2013) or [arXiv:1303.0347].
Media coverage: (in Portuguese)
Revista FAPESP
[23] |
T. Bodai, E. G. Altmann, and A. Endler
"Stochastic perturbations in open chaotic systems: random versus
noisy maps",
Phys. Rev. E 87, 042902 (2013)
[22] |
E. G. Altmann, Z. L. Whichard, and A. E. Motter,
"Identifying trends in word frequency dynamics",
J. Stat. Phys. 151, p. 277 (2013) or [arXiv:1202.3892]. |
[21] |
O. Georgiou, C. P. Dettmann, and E. G. Altmann,
"Faster than expected escape for a class of fully chaotic
Chaos 22, 043115 (2012) or [arXiv:1207.7000].
[20] |
R. Dickman, N. R. Moloney, and E. G. Altmann,
"Analysis of an information-theoretic model for
J. Stat. Mech. P12022 (2012) or [arXiv:1207.0238].
[19] |
E. G. Altmann, G. Cristadoro, and M. Degli Esposti,
"On the origin of long-range correlations in texts",
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 11582 (2012) or
Media coverage: In search of the key word
(Max-Planck Society, english/german)
and I romanzi nel mirino della matematica (, italian)
[18] |
E. G. Altmann, J. C. Leitao, and J. Viana Lopes,
"Effect of noise in open chaotic billiards"
Chaos 22, 026114 (2012)
[17] |
D. R. Amancio, E. G. Altmann, O. N. Oliveira Jr, and L. da Fontoura Costa,
" Comparing intermittency and network measurements of words and their dependence on authorship "
New J. Phys. 13, 123024 (2011) or
[16] |
E. G. Altmann, J. B. Pierrehumbert, and A. E. Motter,
"Niche as a determinant of word fate in online groups"
PLoS ONE 6, e19009 (2011) or
Media coverage: (in portuguese) A vida das palavras,
Revista FAPESP
Disseminação e longevidade das palavras, Ciência Hoje Jan/Fev. 2012 .
[15] |
E. G. Altmann and A. Endler,
"Noise-enhanced trapping in chaotic scattering"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105,
255102 (2010)
or [arXiv:1008.3935].
[14] |
E. G. Altmann, J. B. Pierrehumbert, and A. E. Motter,
"Beyond word frequency: Bursts, lulls, and scaling in the temporal distributions of words ",
PLoS ONE 4 (11) e7678 (2009) or [arXiv:0901.2349].
[13] |
E. G. Altmann and T. Tel,
" Poincare recurrences and transient chaos in systems with leaks ",
Phys. Rev. E 79, 016204 (2009) or [nlin.CD/0808.3785].
[12] |
E. G. Altmann,
"Emission from dielectric cavities in terms of invariant sets of the chaotic ray dynamics",
Phys. Rev. A 79, 013830 (2009) or [arXiv:0805.2190].
Figure selected to the Phys. Rev. A Kaleidoscope.
[11] |
E. G. Altmann, G. Del Magno, and M. Hentschel,
"Non-Hamiltonian dynamics in optical microcavities resulting from wave-inspired corrections to geometric optics",
Europhys. Lett. 84, 10008 (2008) or [arXiv:0805.4555].
[10] |
E. G. Altmann and T. Tel,
"Poincare recurrences from the perspective of
transient chaos ",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 174101 (2008) or [nlin.CD/0712.0532].
[9] |
E. G. Altmann, T. Friedrich, A. E. Motter, H. Kantz, and A. Richter,
"Prevalence of marginally unstable periodic orbits in chaotic billiards",
Phys. Rev. E 77, 016205 (2008) or [nlin.CD/0711.4585].
[8] |
E. G. Altmann and H. Kantz,
"Hypothesis of strong chaos and
anomalous diffusion in coupled symplectic maps",
Europhys. Lett. 78, 10008 (2007) or
[7] |
S. Hallerberg, E. G. Altmann, D. Holstein, and H. Kantz
"Precursors of extreme increments"
Phys. Rev. E 75, 016706 (2007) or
[6] |
E. G. Altmann, G. Cristadoro, and D. Pazo,
"Nontwist non-Hamiltonian systems"
Phys. Rev. E 73 056201 (2006) or
[5] |
E. G. Altmann, A. E. Motter, and H. Kantz,
"Stickiness in Hamiltonian systems: from sharply divided to
hierarchical phase space"
Phys. Rev. E
73, 026207 (2006) or
[4] |
E. G. Altmann, S. Hallerberg, and H. Kantz,
"Reactions to extreme events: moving threshold model"
Physica A 364 p. 435 (2006) or [physics/0508170].
[3] |
E. G. Altmann and H. Kantz,
"Recurrence time analysis, long-term correlation, and extreme
Phys. Rev. E 71, 056106 (2005) or [physics/0503056].
[2] |
E. G. Altmann, A. E. Motter, and H. Kantz,
"Stickiness in mushroom billiards"
Chaos 15, 033105 (2005)
or [nlin.CD/0502058]. |
[1] |
E. G. Altmann, E. C. da Silva, and I. L. Caldas,
"Recurrence Time Statistics for Finite Size Intervals",
Chaos 14 p. 975 (2004) or
[nlin.CD/0304027]. |
Further Publications:
[G] |
M. Degli Esposti,
E. G. Altmann, F. Pachet (Editors),
"Creativity and Universality in
Language," Lecture Notes in Morphogenesis
(Springer) (2016)
[F] |
E. G. Altmann and M. Gerlach,
"Statistical laws in linguistics",
chapter in the book Creativity and Universality in Language , M. Degli Esposti,
E. G. Altmann, F. Pachet (Eds)., Lecture Notes in
Morphogenesis (Springer) or
[arXiv:1502.03296] (2016)
[E] |
E. G. Altmann ,
Transient chaos in physical systems
Habilitation Thesis presented to the Faculty of Science and Mathematics at the Technical University
Dresden, text available at SLUB - Dresden and at the Library of the MPIPKS, Dresden .
[D] |
E. G. Altmann and H. Kantz, "Anomalous transport in
Hamiltonian systems " ,
chapter in the book
"Anomalous Transport: Foundations and Applications" R. Klages, G. Radons, and I. M. Sokolov (Eds.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
(2008)[link to chapter] [preview
in Google Books] or [write me for full text].
[C] |
E. G. Altmann,
"Intermittent chaos in Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems" ,
Ph.D. Thesis presented to the Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (Germany), produced at the MPIPKS under the supervision of
Prof. Dr. Holger Kantz [link at the Uni-Wuppertal library or pdf].
[B] |
H. Kantz, E. G. Altmann, S. Hallerberg, D. Holstein, A. Riegert, "Dynamical interpretation of extreme events:
predictability and predictions",
Chapter in the book
Extreme Events in Nature and Society Albeverio, Sergio; Jentsch, Volker; Kantz,
Holger (Eds.), Springer Verlag (2006)
[Download from Springer Webpage],
[preview in Google Books] or [write me for full version]. |
[A] |
E. G. Altmann, "Return Time in Dynamical Systems", Master dissertation
presented to the
Physics Institute of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, supervised by
Prof. Ibere
Caldas [link at the USP library, full text in Portuguese].