SMS scnews item created by Zhou Zhang at Mon 28 May 2012 1515
Type: Seminar
Modified: Tue 29 May 2012 1154; Fri 8 Jun 2012 1545
Distribution: World
Expiry: 23 Jul 2012
Calendar1: 26 Jun 2012 1200-1300
CalLoc1: Carslaw 159
Auth: [email protected]

Geometry Seminar: Bahri -- On the Topology of Weighted Projective Spaces

Speaker: Prof. Tony Bahri (Rider University)

Time: Tuesday, June 26, 12(NOON)--1PM

Room: AGR Carslaw 829

Lunch: after the talk (at Taste at Sydney Uni, i.e. 
"Law School Annex Cafe")


Title: On the Topology of Weighted Projective Spaces

Abstract: this survey talk will be a review of results 
obtained in collaboration with Mattias Franz and Nigel 
Ray. As singular toric varieties, weighted projective 
spaces have an action of a real torus. The equivariant 
cohomology with respect to this action is computed to 
be isomorphic to the ring of piecewise polynomials on 
the defining fan. The theory is seen to parallel that 
for smooth toric varieties with the role of the 
Stanley-Reisner ring replaced by the ring of piecewise 
polynomials. If time permits, an alternative presentation 
of weighted projective spaces as iterated Thom complexes 
will be discussed briefly. Further collaboration with 
Mattias Franz, Nigel Ray and Dietrich Notbohm yields 
in a complete topological classification of weighted 
projective spaces. 


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